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It's amazing what you'll find face-to-face. Lia and Twix finally have a formal bump-in and exchange a bit of dialogue. Hope you guys like it! Next page will start getting into some more dialogue and setup, hopefully adding a bit more character and lead-in to what Lia's game is. I also tweaked a few fixes on page 3, updated versions will be in the ZIP.




So cute! I can't wait for more. I am really loving this comic.


heh, he's pretty submissive :D

Darth Satais

they both look adorable.


Nice. They both sure have some Problems haha. Very cute!


Amazing job! I can't wait to see next page!!! <3


"you do know dogs are the ones that're supposed to chase cats, right?" if this was Zootopia.... hooo-boy! That racial stereotyping. XD lol I'm kidding, I'm kidding. :P


I wouldn't exactly call him submissive. He's not aggressive, no, and definitely socially awkward and an obvious introvert. However, that doesn't make you a sub. Enjoying being told what to do is the basis of that and there's been no hint yet that he falls in that category.


Haha I like where this is going!