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One of the request stream ideas was ARA actually working, at her station. It didn't get picked but I remembered it and wanted to do it anyway as a bit of a unwind/warmup after spending so long on the pinup recently. I want to do a couple of these warmups per week, just monochrome or simple flat colour stuff, as practice or character spotlights.

So her job is a Relay Admin; a position that can be either AI or sentient controlled, depending on the mission, station, ship, etc. It's something like a futuristic switchboard operator- someone who reroutes resources and power, communications and other things, to all the various parts of a ship or station for a multitude of reasons, and the position is one of the more important ones, usually located on the bridge.



Kelanich Santovedis

But, wouldn't connecting directly to the console be faster rather than manually tap and slide on hologram screens?


I love little worldbuilding sketches like this. Keep 'em coming! :D

Sean Palumbo

Perhaps she does both simultaneously, or the tapping is a facade that's really doing nothing and she's really connected to the console the whole time, using the physical bit to demonstrate to the others that's what she's doing? Maybe I'm thinking too deep into this.


Is there a reason she can't connect wirelessly? Cutest pic of her yet!


This is a really cool pic. But, the best thing I take away from this... dem hips. <3


Yes. The reason is... we wouldn't have this awesome pic, otherwise. :D


ARA is best control tower operator...awesome stuff man!


It may be a bit silly, but while boobs and arse are nice, This is the real reason I give you money, this is what has my interest, not just Ara and her adorable self, but her world and the lore in it. I find things like this Fascinating.


I'm makin a folder of super cool images to cycle over my desktop. This is one is now included. ^^;; I'm imagining ARA is inside my compy, controlling everything. hehe