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(So, I actually finished this whole page before even posting the sketch, hence why this is so suddenly after it...I'm dumb)

Page 66, say goodbye to Aurora for now!

I always question my pacing, but I felt I needed a page of resolution to bid Aurora off as well as bestowing Tala a bit more confidence in who she is and what she can do.  A few guest-stars' wolves, artists OCs that inspire me, make a small appearance. Tala's not alone, but I did want to avoid saying "we'll be watching over you" because she's gonna go fuck, so no hentai-pervert-baka-ancestors this time.



jon coonie

I hope we see more of the male ancestors, I'm curious about what they will say in the future


I see a familiar face here :B


You had me dying just now with the “she’s gonna go fuck” 😂


Ohh wow! This is such a awesome page and jI recognize a couple of them guests!

Antoine Davis

This page is beautiful, also it is sad to see Aurora leave. Also it's interesting that they'll be there to help Tala, also I agree with avoiding "we'll be watching over you", since that would be creepy. Also, I really like Tala's new tribe name North Arrow, I do ask what it means for does this hint at something in future pages? Also I wonder what "Fly True, Tala" means. Also, I wonder how will Tala call upon Aurora? But yeah, fantastic page! Can't wait to see more!


Spirit Natani: "I'll help with anything except the fucking part. Unless you got any cute lil guys with great big ears hiding somewhere I don't know about. ...That bear girl wouldn't be so bad either, come to think of it." Cool page and neat cameos, Fluff! Can't wait to see Tala's new markings! Keep up the great work!


I see you, Natani... 🤔 I almost wonder if s/he and Zen will be able to feel/see everything (and everyone) Tala does through their minds...


This is a beautiful page Fluff! I'll bet the Aurora pages will look great when they are in print.


The story be getting to New height, fly true northern lights, as true as an arrow.

The Friendly Deathclaw

Does this mean that predators of Denali is a Twokinds AU? XD.... jokes aside great work on the page Fluff, such a beautiful page!


If Tala gets the same kind of markings as Krystal from the starfox games I'll laugh


she getting pretty rainbow colors on her tail and legs! i approve also "So Lyra and her daemon turned away from the world they were born in, and looked toward the sun, and walked into the sky"

That guy

Oh, this is cool.


I am in love with the page layout and those glowing spirits’ eyes and the possible significance of their various colors…


Ooooooh, is Tala getting new tribal markings? :3


I recognize Natani, but who are the other wolves? The haircut on the front one feels familiar but I can't quite place it.


Looks like Jessie from LittleNapoleon's 'Changeling Tale'


Love the cameo's, FK. They are quite a welcome little surprise. xD.


The spirits have blessed us for even more fucking! LET'S GOOOO! :D