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The $25 tier picture this month was in fact, NOT adult, and instead some world and character-building for ARA...and other ARAs! Rei gave me the idea for a mink ARA and i think it worked out real nice.

Our ARA is the Apex Frame ARA, no other nicknames, the Apex Frames stay close to Katrician Central Command, either in-person, or in The Tower, or aboard the Katrician flagship "Rassvet". They are allowed more freedom, movement, and learning, in exchange for close watch and constant updates. They then pass on some of these updates in a way that all other ARA units (or ZTA units, SRK units, etc, for their post) can use to improve their work, efficiency, social/crew interaction, and so on...

Obviously, ARA couldn't meet with.. thousands of other ARAs at once, and so just the Prime Anthroids of each major branch of the Katrician military; here are a few- Kobalt, Sata and Silk.

Each AI is by law, unique and their own personality. Eventually, they will retire, and not in the Blade Runner sense. They are released from usually their hundred-plus-years shift, and many choose to relocate to one of the AI sovereignties, or settle down, explore, go on to some other work, whilst their classifieds and related military work are erased.

At the start of the story (that I'll get to some day...), ARA has just been POST-ed to Apex Frame, as the previous one has been retired and let go.  Suffice to say, while much of her job is pre-programmed, other specifics and routines must be learnt and evolved over time.

That's about when this picture would come in, pretty early on in said future-story!




My friendship with ARA has ended, MinkARA is my new best friend.


Awesome world build Fluff!


Seems somebody's been overclocking Sata's 'tude core again. Probably the same person who signed off on that non-regulation (but admittedly pretty sweet) hair color mod. Might try dialing the OC back by like 10% to improve mood matrix stability, though. XD Really nice, Fluff! Love getting more glimpses into the lore. Hope you and Rei have a Happy New Year!

Justice Taylor

Aw, new timid Ara is adorable. And Silk has a sexy leotard!


One wonders if that attitude is inbuilt or a result of experiences and interactions they've had.


Well, at least most of them seem to be willing to give her a chance.


Great stuff! Time to get invested in lore : )


Def need more of Silk there


I love this! the possibilities of this are endless! more Anthroids for the universe!


Oh? Did you redesign her palm beans? Cause I don't recall such an interesting design in previous picture.

Antoine Davis

Awesome, can't wait to see more of the sci-fi lore/universe! Also Happy new years!


Big Snep Bara! I hope we get more of this dude!


Ooooo, Silk is a cutie!

Gerald Sears

More Mink please! She's very cute.


Silk with the "personnel" recon OwO, maybe after gathering enough data she'll want to participate UwU


I've been waiting so long for more lore like this. It's like Christmas


YES, delicious worldbuilding! This is a fantastic way to start the new year. I love the variety in their designs, especially Sata's braid-plugs and Cobalt's markings. Combining the base animal's pattern with synthetic aesthetics is such a cool way to do that. And Silk is a real cutie, but I'm always a sucker for svelte girls in bodysuits. No one can stop me from requesting this for the other primary AI. There's a TON of soft worldbuilding potential here, especially with as varied as you've made our 5.


So great to finally see some ARA, it's been a while :p Can't wait for story to begin!

Skeleton Man

I really like Silk's design, simple and cute :3


I really love how they came out Fluff all of them look really cool. I especially like Silk she's too cute for words.


Silk + Kobalt wen?

Lupo Mikti

It brings me no insignificant amount of joy to see one of my all time fave artists use the word snep :D Love the snippets of lore and worldbuilding we get from you; really hoping for more of that once Predators wraps up. I'm still pulling for an in depth and appropriately boring to everyone else breakdown of all the languages x3 Can't turn off the linguist in me ever lol (but really, as a linguist I'm so excited to learn more about your conlangs).

Gerald Sears

Don't care as long as there is more Silk and ideally her weaselly shipmates




So many ARAs! Will we get to see either these or other frames in the future? I now kinda want to see how Warning reacts to her fellow 'Warning' frames and how she reacts. So many possibilities! <33


WOO! Silk's my favorite :3


Original ARA is still my favorite (and a daki version lives in my bedroom) but giant snep ARA is growing on me fast.

Nuwa Nightstone

Looks like OttARA couldn't make it.


Before I read the description I was thinking: "New Apex? What happened to the old Apex?" "That poor son of a- well that's not important!"


I like SIlk. I'd like to see more of Silk, please. :D