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Until end-of-day Monday, HST, give me some ideas on what to make this month's content on! Meanwhile I'm just working on the comic. Ideas usually involving a sci-fi character of mine, along with an environment or activity, rather than just posing, which I'd classify more as a 'pinup' instead. 

This type of picture should help establish something about the world setting and build-up for the future storyline, and can be anything from.. a character putting on footwear at a park, suiting up at a spaceport, or doing a job/activity.

You don't have to know everything, or all my characters, I can easily adjust any idea to fit the setting. I'll pick a few and put those up to vote from!



I'd really love to see some interaction between Ayn and Kesis.


How about Ayn stripping at the club or young Vikna at the boot camp before she became an officer involved in sexy shenanigans (the sexy part being optional)? Come to think of it, we haven't really explored the cause of the rivalry between the two.

Cylianthe (Falkiveurr)

Ooh I'd love to see someone doing technical Lab work. Like building cybernetics or something 💙


Nytro doing a last Minute Gear Check inside a drop ship before planetary Landing


I’d love to see Sabir stumbling upon Ayn practicing a striptease routine in her room. Could lead to incesto

Skeleton Man

I would love to see more of Sensual Synthetics, maybe how they test their products during development wink wink nudge nudge.


Loki meditating as objects around him float (showing him using his force, er- I mean wind powers lol), or as a storm rages in the distance or nature is blowing around.


I’ve wanted to see kesis and sabir’s love life for ages. Them fooling around with their kids is hot and all, but I want to see how the king and queen handle each other, especially in bed ;)


It’s a bit of a stretch but, you could have a group photo of as many as you like/fits in a post laser tag match in laser gear, I presume with Nytro having the high score on the scoreboard! and the context could be in a spaceport or ring world if that’s a thing in your universe!

Antoine Davis

Maybe Ayn going around showing what the cities are like/the type of food, mechanics and or how things function for the royal family.


Ayn getting ready for a zero g royal ball. That would be interesting imo


How about Ayn in battle showing us what she can do with the stripper pole weapon of hers. Have you decided what it's function is?

Tank Hamster

Vikna in a firefight Zofie and Nyt meeting for the first time Tribal Ayn meeting Massak


Ship mess hall? Maybe a chef android or a ship cook?


Vikna clothes shopping or Zolfie baking experiments (failures or successes)


Nytro doin' a heccin' big powerslide in an old classic muscle car on an off day would be bloody awesome I think. Seems like the kinda thing he'd do in his off time. Just comes off as the kinda guy that loves a throaty V8 to me.


VST doing whatever his job is


> What were some of the Characters like as Kids? Were their personalities always the way we see them during the story, or have they changed? > We've seen what a "night out on the town" is like for Ayn. What about her character foil, Vikna? > What is interstellar travel like? You've previously mentioned it takes days to cross one of the Empires. Is there like a Space Titanic? Or do they do the entire stasis thing?


Maybe some shipboard life would be interesting to see like some daily activities. Maybe getting chow at the galley, working out on the onboard gym, or even something mundane like a training drill for damage control or battle stations or even something small like ara being asked to assist a crew member in routine maintenance on some equipment. Something like that. Might be interesting to see some of the daily life aboard the vessel your characters all seem to share aboard.


OC's playing with snow


I’d like to see some of the culture of the tribes in the predators series.


(I’m not sure if it’s too early), but I totally think that having any OC doing various snowy activities, like skiing, snowboarding, or even making snowmen and such would be such a cute and fun idea for the approaching winter time


A maintenance tech working on a big messy job while ARA watches nearby, seemingly a touch nervous.


How about Nytro making out with someone, anyone


Kovsai doing Emperor things while dreaming of doing something else


Fueling a ship?


How about ARA cleaning house in a strip poker game she walked in on (making the most confident poker players livid thinking she's cheating)? (She could also naïvely take the clothes the others stripped off thinking those were her 'winnings')

Eric Dielli

I have never seen any conflict. What if you took a a character mid battle? Or all of the AIs on the ship bridge coordinating some starship battle together?

Adleisio Cefnfor

Vale doesn't get enough love, I was thinking maybe having him discover porn and/or masturbation


space janitor or maintenance


Twix at the library, maybe causing some sort of mishap with the books (are there books?)

Markius Fox

Vale finally breaks away from the bridge and spends some time with Ara and Warning. Vale is looking for clothes, with Warning assisting (poorly) in helping him select something an organic would wear and not draw attention. Unfortunately, everything he selects is plastered in hugely contrasting pastels due to the near-infrared being a part of his visual range.

Francis Wyvern

Maybe something involving forms of entertainment on one of the planets? Interested to see what their analogues are for what we have like films, concerts. I think we saw a little with Ayn's home world but what about Nytro's or the home of the Corporation that Ara and the other AIs are built from?


[Serious] How does Nytro swing his sword? Show us his moves someday!


Maybe a scene set on the bridge, while the ship is docked and the crew are all on shore leave. Save for a few characters perhaps "trying out the captain's chair". Gives you an opportunity to explore some of the inner ship, and fool around with some characters


I'm gonna suggest ARA meeting some other ARA units from other ships while at a spaceport. I don't know if that's too much, but it could be a cute worldbuilding moment, especially with a version featuring dialogue from them sharing stuff about their ships with each other.


We've seen alot of cityscapes and architecture over the years from the various capitals of the universe, but what about some of the wildlife? Maybe something akin to landing in a forest or desert on one of these worlds or potentially a new world entirely. It would be a chance to flesh out some of the plants and creatures of the world. As for characters, it would make sense if this was any of the crew that are on board the ship at the time (i.e. Ara, Vikna, Nytro, etc)


Aurora, in any pose. Need more Aurora!

Justice Taylor

Warning standing on the glass floor of an underslung bridge or observation deck, with space visible

Canis Lupis Rex

I would suggest the crew taking some R&R at some resort along with the regular antics of 'lewd' moments with meeting other creatures. Does not have to be sexual activity but would like to see more of the universe they live in including 'strange but fantastic' beings along with beautiful scenary (to which ARA, would like to understand 'how?') And possibly Zofie learning more techniques to bake. Warning being 'Warning' for attracting unwanted (but not undesired) attention from sports stars or atheletic locals. I would suggest more but it could be 5 pages long. Hope this helps! :)

Alexander Bowman

How about Zofie taking Nytro to an artisan craftsman to look at prosthetic or glass eye for his birthday or anniversary of them meeting. I always wondered if he was blind in his off eye. The place could be right down the street from her since she’s an artisan baker herself.


Maybe you have one of your ship designs out on a landing pad or hangar bay of sorts, and various characters of your choosing could be seen discussing something. Could be Nytro or Vikna talking, with some other characters accompanying them, like Zofie, Ayn, Warning, Ara, etc. Always love ship designs and hangar bags in sci-fi, would be cool to see yours!


Zofie and Twix! My first thought was "and they're were both subs" but i was curious if those two ever met before and what was it like ☺


I'd like to see an inside look at an average day in the life of Emperor Kovsai. Stuff like... What's his morning routine? Is he ALWAYS aloof, mischievous, and superior, or does the mask fall away when nobody is looking? Are there times when he can be nice or show kindness to people around him? Does he have any secret hobbies, like gardening or playing an instrument? Basically, a look at Kovsai in moments when he doesn't feel like he needs to put on the stereotypical sexy evil emperor act.


I'll say it just about every time though I might be a fair bit biased. There is never enough > Kesis <.


I would love to see an engineer working on the ship after a heavy asteroid shower hit'em hard.


Nytro grocery shopping

Silver Fenn Xara

would love to see a further continuation of the 'Winter Coat' series going on with including even Nytro and Vikna being subjected to witnessing it....could be anyone next, really.


I dont have any ideas for what kind of picture, but I’m always up for anything with kesis


Something that shows off some of the spacecraft in better detail maybe a scene at a space port or something. Ara and Warning are my favorites but any of your scifi characters would be great if you are feeling more like drawing them.

Deciem X

Nytro probably has a cool flying car or something, right? Let's see it!


A scene planetside with Nytro and Warning would be cute. It might also show off sections of the spire that would be considered a historic district.


Really want to see any kind of lore with warning!


Couple of people mentioned Kesis, and I agree, would love to see her again. As for activity; my thoughts immediately went to her soaking in a luxurious bath for some reason. But since you said you weren't interested in a simple pinup this time, then expanding that idea: how about a scene showing was Kesis does to relax after a stressful day running the kingdom (aside from sex obviously). Surely she has some kind of peaceful pastime to help calm her nerves.

That guy

Ara, waking up and stretching, or getting ready to go to work. Another idea, her starting up her work station with all its cool holograms.


More to do with Kaltag designs/ideals, and possibly why all these androids are built so damned sexily and realistically. :D

Kara Resch

Kona as the last one standing in the breeding centre! ^.~


I always thought Ayn and Laura (Twokinds) discussing their various "techniques" would make for a funny little sketch since, ya know, both are a little freaky lol

Not Telling

Normally I'm a sucker for anything related to Ayn or Rehzi, but I'm thinking maybe something involving a new Siren getting configured.


Another thought I had was a scene of Zeta (or any of the AI's) on the command deck or navigation room in a sort of Homeworld Karen S'Jet inspired image or adaptation to fit your own lore with an image off space imagery and schematics in the background, kind of like there's a 3D projection going on in that area of the ship as Zeta is plotting a course. I highly recommend checking out some Homeworld images or videos for this.


Floating through a space station feeling homesick, looking longingly at a photo of family.


Maybe something showing how / what about the emperor makes him more of a baddie other than trapping Nytro in a cumgeon. Perhaps a strategy room or even just a shot of his desk / computer that gives some more detail on what living under his rule is like.


How about something involving world-building and how it affects the characters?


yeah haha. i have some cool ideas for that actually! need to update its design


ohh, could be fun! itd be funny if, since anthroids have a hard time learning good food tastes, its just like MRE bland


Maybe it could involve that portal flesh light panel we had earlier with Ayn?