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So I sat down and talked to Tom a little bit about Flora. I'm a bad friend and don't really read any of my friend's webcomics... so after getting an idea of her personality, I took some advice from a few other friends about poses, and did the upper left here first. I liked it in concept, but for some reason, it still feels a little generic to me, or bland in display. So I tried the upper right secondly, showed some more figure in exchange for a less dynamic/crazy pose. Simpler is better sometimes. But even that, while I liked the base sketch, didn't stick with me. I then did the bottom right one, more angular and dynamic again, but found it overally to be less cute-like and more sensual, plus I couldn't grasp the anatomy of the hips from that angle. Maybe I'll try it again later.

So I'm going with the bottom left one; it hits the more asymmetrical visual balance, cute, innocence type with some ass curve and playful posing. I showed them to Tom too, who liked them all really, but agreed with the bottom left. Gonna get to work on that today and the next few days! Not sure about alternate versions if any yet, but possibly one with her shirt or cloak on.



Styx Renegade

She's so cute and sexy!!


My vote would be for the upper left pose, it seems like a pose you'd find Flora in. I also like the bottom left pose because... Sexy.


Seems a good choice to me too. All of these poses are great, but I think you got the right one


I still have Mik as my desktop background, but that might be getting replaced soon :3


i can't wait to see it done!


I liked the upper left one but I think I've seen it before. Bottom left is good too.


Yeah I thought the upper left was fitting, but I've also done several like it, so wanted to try something a bit more relaxed I think


Out of all the web comic twokinds is my favorite. Beside the dragon all-multiverse webcomic.

Nathan G.

I also agree with the bottom left.