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Now both Tala and you can meet Aurora! I know it's a common canine name, but it's just so damn -fitting-. I've been really excited to get to this point for a while, I hope you all have some excitement too! I'm sure I'll get to doing some fun stand-alone art of her, but for at least a little while, she needs her part to play in the story.

Comic thus far-





Gosh, so pretty. You pull off the spirit wolf well! Now for lesbian spirit scissoring.


I know this is a plot/solemn event, but it's still a fun detail that she's got Massak still running down her leg...


But why do the ancestors appear nude? Not that I'm complaining.

Antoine Davis

This is so beautiful and relaxing. This is fantastically awesome. I like the new lore added, that it was different spirits that put Tala in the trance. I also like the call back to where Tala says that she's stronger than she looks, that its a bit ironic how true that is that she probably never knew or noticed. Since Aurora says that her string will that helped break it. But yeah, amazing job, can't wait for more!


Tala: "Aching... spirit. Yeah... that's what you felt. Eh-heh." Awesome page, Fluff! Glad to finally get to see Aurora in the flesh. Uh... so to speak. Keep up the great work!


ok. Aurora is FUCKING GORGEOUS! I love the coloured effects around her edges. Such a beautiful concept!


I ain't 'fraid of no ghost ❤

Holo Wolf

Aurora?! At this time of year! At this time of day! Localised entirely within this cave?


Special effects cranked to 11 so beautiful.


Further evidence that nothing can best the power of boners


I was gonna mention that too, just a little detail that adds a lot to the continuity. Yes it's a spiritual moment, Tala communing with ancestors... but let's not forget that this is happening immediately after she got railed and filled with sheep spunk, lol.


Ok, new religion, where do i sign up?


Once again, love the aurora effect.


Tala's great-great-great-great-great-grandmother wolf, speaking to Tala's great-great-great-great-great-aunt, "Look at her and that massive ram, don't you wish you were back there, right now? You missed out, never trying a meaty herbivore." G-g-g-g-g-aunt replies, "MOM! Please! You've told us the story about your night with that elk, like, a million times."

Skeleton Man

Aurora looks amazing!


I know it's a bit soon... but Aurora pinup when? <3


Oh my god I love her colors so much!!!


What does "k'elaage yoo" mean? Also, spirit wolf butt.


This will definitely lead to debauchery


Link is expired?

Nuwa Nightstone

Link is expired for some reason


it expires at the end of each month. HD will be in the links/ZIPs not the post itself. the new link will be up soon!

Deciem X

I don't know why, but this page kind of struck me. I need my own Aurora. :(


Aurora is very pretty.