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Passing by a shop window in the adult-only alleyways, you see Sensual Synthetics presenting it's latest model--or perhaps they are presenting themselves. The most recent and fetching design, designed with options and versatility, the V1X3N series is vulpine-based, with practically limitless customization. However, sometimes choice-paralysis sets in, and so SS has several presets for each of its anthroid series. This generally includes markings, overally body shape, voice and some colours, although some of those can be easily changed.

This model presents itself as calm and  warm, open and willing. They are as configurable as you would like, as dom/sub, passive/active...they don't even have to be used for sex! They could just be cuddle and/or gaming partners, because no one wants to play the pocket healer..until you program them to!

Siren is the result of a request, sort-of. It was requested to create an anthroid that was not-Kaltag... Siren has been in my mind for quite some time. I knew I wanted to make a red fox OC, and a sexbot, and one named Siren, so this very fit all three. I think their name works quite well for the task at hand. They are primarily for-fun-p0rn artstuff (of course), but will have a supporting in-world role for the future sci-fi story when it comes to it.

I suppose Siren would be my first genderfluid OC, and the 'default' state would likely be the FM2 and ML1 modes. HD files and alts-stuff will be in the July ZIP, will post later today(Monday!) Few more versions in the $5+ ZIP.




Of course it's a fox! ^^. In any case, incredible design


You know I've always wondered why companies don't try to make anthro sexbots, they would certainly look better than the human-like ones that already exist

Stoker Bramwell

Oh this is my favorite OC of yours to date

Stoker Bramwell

Or at the very least more anime/cartoonish looking ones. Trying to mimic nature is a recipe for uncanny valley failure


I see, interesting concept


looks great, would love to see Ayn and Nitro 'test drive' her


Trial run? Just how much of a trial? ;3 Love her. I can't wait to see more of her in the future. :D


"Very fluffy"? SOLD.


Well there would go my whole entire budget from Interplanetary Trade runs in one go.


Advertising done right, what a temptress


"Hello? Sensual Synthetics? Yes, I would like to purchase three SIREN models please. Which versions you ask? Surprise me >83."


Hm. So does the "+" mean that the FM2+ comes with both sets of genitals? Because that's a big yes if so.

Holo Wolf

Forget hoverboards or personal space travel! This is a future product I can get behind (or it could get behind me 😏)

Nuwa Nightstone

I'd love to take a test drive!


Please expand on the cuddle options PLEASE.

Cult of Dust

I always love to see more world building. You have a very interesting universe, and I hope to keep seeing more


oh god, there goes my savings...

Antoine Davis

All look awesome, great job!!!


Siren is awesome! Love to see this worldbuilding as well. :D


If this was something done in rl, i would buy one asap!

Justice Taylor

Question; your new OC Siren seems like the most acceptable one for lewd fanart right? I might send a Patreon note of a solo piece first and ask more later.


Now this is some good marketing


“Shut up and take my money!”


I am just imagining Nytro and Ayn (or Twix and Lia if they wanted to try something exotic and modular) buying this so that they could tease the others as well as have fun themselves. It'd be hilarious if a Freaky Friday situation was pulled with Warning and Siren accidently.

Skeleton Man

Siren will be very popular, that's for sure! "Very Fluffy!" Thats everything I needed to hear. SOLD!


They're gorgeous! I love how you took tradition red fox markings and "synthed" them up a bit so they're obviously an android. I'm also really happy to hear they're not just like a throwaway pornbot and will actually be involved in story. Super keen to see more of them, both naughty fun and character development-wise. ML-I got me feelin a certain way, boy howdy. ;D

Patrick Bradley

Damm! she's already my new favorite character of yours great stuff as always Fluff


The creativity. The world building. The detail, line work, shading and atmosphere! Everything looks amazing here and I'm so in love with that paw print design I can feel a new tattoo coming soon!


Holyyy shit. You really outdid yourself on that one. Even the Gyno alt! My man, I love ya


(0///0) *starts reaching for wallet* Lol I just thought of something... programming one to be a cuddle-bot for ARA and watching the confusion.


Damn, those Sen' Synth' eggheads thought of everything. XD

Lord Chaos

Can I get one of each?


Well, you did it. You bought a sexbot. And that's not even the worst of it. It'd be one thing if you'd just bought yourself a no-strings sex buddy that could help out with the chores from time to time. But no. Not five minutes after bringing them home, they ask you a simple set-up diagnostic question. How would you like to configure their personality. And you - indecisive, noncommittal you - blurts out without thinking, "Just be... yourself." So... they did. And they were. But you never guessed how "themself" they would become. Sexy, you expected. Sensual and flirty and absolutely shameless when it came to all matters of the flesh. But the rest? How could you have known this lifelike creature would become so... alive. Funny and curious and reflective and genuinely insightful. And that's when it happened. You broke the one rule of sexbots. Don't catch feels for the sexbot. But here you are, sitting across the breakfast nook, listening to them explain the plot of the new book they've been reading, (Who still reads physical books? Where did they even find one?) and you realize the simplest and most profound thing you've ever thought. You like this person. Person. Not anthroid. Not V1X3N series. But... person. A real person, with real thoughts and wants and desires and needs. And you like all of it. Beyond the sex and the sensuality. You like them at their all. Every bit of them. Features and flaws. You love it all. You... love them. You're in love with your sexbot. Oh, no. Momma warned you about this. "Don't fall in love with a sexbot!" she said. "I'll never have grandchildren!" Welp... Thank the gods for cloning tech.


Awesome work, Fluff! I can't wait to see how Siren fits in with the rest of the cast. I'm already imagining the dynamic they'd have with Nytro and Vykna. Ooh, or sweet little Zofie! So many interesting... options! :D

Kara Resch

Shut up and take my money! ^.~


“Lifelike fur/skin - easy to clean/maintain” Imma call BS on that one chief. :) edit: to clarify, lifelike fur and easy to maintain are usually mutually exclusive depending on how fussy one is on appearance and shedding.


well you can swap the parts with just one model, BUT having three around you would be great! :3


‘Cuddle Options’ - sold…


Where can I place a preorder?

Michael Hunt

Synthetic fur would likely be capable of having bonded chemicals that limit the adhesion of certain substances. And if the androids can maintain it mostly on their own that's technically easy to clean. You just supply the necessary items with the occasional aiding reach in a difficult spot. It's very possible it's lifelike without actually having ever been fur. Could be hyper thin strands of a nonstick substance or what have you. Sci-fi is pretty limitless. Or it could be the usual advertising shpiel

Michael Hunt

Ain't that the truth! Though I imagine someone is researching synthetic gestation out there.


Question: FM2+ can be a Herm? Fun, both ways. 'Axe


I still can't decide if true sexbots like this would be a boon to society, or lead to the collapse of civilization as everybody is too busy banging hot robots to actually go to work or have kids. Also, I like that part of the features list is "Very Fluffy".


A very lovely OC. Also I love the “Cuddle Options” bit


I think I got caught up on ‘lifelike.’ I took that to mean it was… More real than was intended. To me that meant shedding, dander, matting, etc. The annoying bits about fur.


Ffffffff, every single version is hot in its own way.


Time to make like NSYNC and Buy Buy Buy o3o

Markius Fox

The EULA for the bots is where they getchya; every time you do the horizontal tango, you either give a sample or receive a sample. They are "fully functional" after all.


Really cool! Gives off that Chobits vibe but sexier XD 10/10 would probably buy one!


Are you suggesting a company would purposefully obscure the fact that having sex with their robots would end with a pregnancy? 'Cus I'm pretty sure people would figure that out quick.


There's a work around, but fitting a synth with reproduction tech and parenting heuristics is gonna jump that price like 300K or more. I'd expect they'd cost as much as a house, and outlive the person they are registered to.


"It's worth every penny!" and arguably that cost might not be extreme. Siren is designed to be a companionship android. They don't appear to have any military components and have no combat duties. Loan wise it'd not be that difficult to justify a purchase. They're pretty much a luxury cars worth of robotics and AI, but they stay home. In addition they're programed to take care of their special person. Risk wise it's low, Siren could technically be listed as medical grade and be tax deductible. Makes you cake and coffee in the morning and comes with a defibrillation module in the paw pads. Mental health wise you could be working a 17 hour double shift until dawn and your synth is waiting for you to come home and make you feel like it was actually worth the effort.

Ace the Smiling Fox

Could we see ML1 getting *ehem* a full trial run please?