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Page 58!

This took a lot longer than I expected. On one hand, I didn't want to start repeating myself in panel/shot/expressions, and the emphasis here is on how different Bailey is/feels than Tala. Not better/worse, just different, and the dialogue should reflect it further.

Panel layout and sequence is -really- hard for me, like dialogue. Sometimes harder than the art itself. Choosing what goes where, in what order, leave room for word bubbles, what's important to show/isn't.. it makes a reall indecisive artist like me even moreso.

The general idea here is Bailey going to town; she's fired up, Massak is still ready, but never expected the soft warm pillow-y-ness of bear..Tala's having fun watching from a different POV, and gets to admire these two now from afar.



The Friendly Deathclaw

oh my lordy!! Tala is way too adorable there!!! gosh I adore her to bits!


That internal view insertion angle <3


Is that a possible Tala sticker coming soon?

Antoine Davis

Looks awesome so far, also yeah i do see how that can be difficult to do. Also that's true to, and i can see this happening. But yeah, this page looks great so far, can't wait!


LOVE that second panel. And Tala looks so excited! Wonder what about. :3 As for the flow of the comic, and such, you've done a wonderful job. So, don't stress too much about the indecisiveness thing. I'd rather wait a month for one new page of awesome, than get 4 pages of rushed and less than awesome. Take your time and do what you feel you need to do. :D


I dont hope that this is massaks final round! He got the soup so get him at least 2 rounds :D


Panel 2 is so fucking good - Bailey's easily your hottest character

WanderingPariah (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-06 11:43:27 <3 _ <3
2021-07-16 18:40:48 <3 _ <3

<3 _ <3


Really good emotion work