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Page 57! Bae'li wastes about zero time trying the sheep on(will see more continuation of the action/response on next page), and Tala is perfectly fine with letting her have a shot.

This was a really fun page for a number of reasons, hopefully all the throwbacks and little bits come together to help it! Meant to have it done by the 30th but I'd rather it be done right.

Comic so far: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/05z9gtsrcl0m2zm/AAC8xjpR16hiHpcQuiTotNBha?dl=0



River Wolf

No time wasted indeed.

Antoine Davis

No time at all, but yeah this page looks awesome! Amazing job, i also really like effects and actions, awesome job!




This guy's gonna be dryer than a triscuit after Bailey's done with him!


This comic is so fucking good


That speaks for bailey’s experience, we have touch down! The sheep is all in on the bear!


The boob grab is huff


Bailey mounts up like a pro, Tala takes a turn as cheerleader, and Massak finally realizes what a lucky ol mountain goat he is today! Great work, Fluff!


thats that good shit doe uwu


I love how playful you are in your pages. Tala's SD/Chibi appearance in the corner of the panel keeps the tone not just light but teasing. Sure, this is erotica. But it's FUN erotica. Everyone's having FUN.

Patrick Bradley

By far the best most worthwhile artist on patreon IMO so keep it up Fluff