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So the results of the second poll were like this. Assigning 1st choice 4 points per vote, and going down from there incrementally, overall people would like to see Ayn, then Vikna, Zofie, and Sahara in that order. It's about what I expected, and while it helps me gauge interest, I should've done this much earlier, like before finishing Predators, so I could've started the next comic sooner. I've got short comic ideas for all of them here, and I may not do them in necessarily this order, but it does help show me where interests are.

Sorry about the small gap in content here; since the request stream I've been trying to draw something for friends, start this said comic (which will be featuring Ayn, and focus around 'a day in the life of' sort of thing), and also putting together a portfolio book consisting of my best work from the very beginning up until 2012, one of a few books I plan to do! I'll hopefully have these in time for Anthrocon, and anyone will be able to get them from me directly, with 25$ patrons at a slight discount if they wish.


Speaking of 25$ Patrons and this next comic; there are a lot of cameo slots for what I have in mind. How this will work is, I'm going to post the pages here in the feed, in sketch form, and note the cameo slots and their prices. Then, anyone of any tier can comment on it to 'bid' their character in. I say 'bid' because it is not an auction, they will be relatively cheap, flat-rate slots, but I'm also going to only choose characters that fit the scene and don't look like blatant, "obvious OCs" such as a ton of markings, details, wild colours, etc. as I've said before. Since 25$ patrons get priority, what this means is if any 25$ patrons bid for their character in a slot, i will weigh them in first, i.e., if a 25$ and a 1$ patron have a slot they want to fill with an OC, they both comment on it, and if both characters fit that slot in my opinion, i'll go with the 25$. But if the 25$ OC does not fit, i will say so, and go with the 1$. If no one has an OC that fits, I will just make up a character.


Don't take it personally if I decline your character bid. Hell, I even have OCs of my own I would decline putting into slots. My goal is to offer people the chance to appear in the comic while retaining the artistic integrity of it all. It's not to milk more money out of it or hold bidding wars; it SHOULD be a simple, straightforward, fun way to get further involved in the artwork. If you make a scene or whine about it, I won't consider you for more slots, and if too many people do it, I will scrap the idea completely and just keep making my own random characters for these slots. This is very much a new, untested field for me, so I'm really crossing my fingers that it will work out and everyone can enjoy it! I will post the first page soon and give people about 2 days to submit character place-ins for it.

Thank you guys for the support and feedback, if you have any suggestions or ideas on this, comment below, as always I really value your thoughts and opinions!



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