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Here we are! While I'm sure no one's very surprised that Mik won, votes were, for the most part, pretty spread out across the board, with the exception of Flora taking a huge jump and Goldie, getting just one vote (go Misty!) and a strike already, made me laugh a little. It's always fun and interesting to see how these votes come in and stack up.

I plan on doing some more side art for my lesser-known characters to show off their personality and design a bit more, and given how few overall OCs I actually have, I may let 4 slots open up and then just get rid of one row of "my OCs" section once empty, but i'll let you guys decide and tell me that. I'd add the 4 slots to the fandom characters thing instead.

Voting might change ever so slightly on months with two pinups: I'm not sure the best way to go about doing it. Should I pick the second-highest voted, or have me choose? Or pick the second-highest from another category? i.e.: if ARA won, would pick the highest voted character from Established Characters or Artists Choice categories. Or highest voted of opposite gender?

I want your opinions and ideas on that, and for now, I'll alternate months that i do an extra pinup vs. extra comic page. Thank you guys for participating! This month will be exciting~




I like the idea for picking the second pinup being the highest voted of the opposite gender, it mixes it up consistently


I think I'd go with "Artist's Choice" for the second pin-up. Also, YAY MIK! :D


I just noticed I missed the voting, yay for me! My votes would have been totally decisive XD I agree with BlackStar, though, highest voted of opposite gender sounds good to start getting some males out at last, and if you run out of one of the genders, you could always make your choice for the second pinup.


I like the idea of having you chose a character from on of the non winning slots. Seems like a good balance of you and the community here


I think picking a character of your own choice would be cool. Don't want to make the voting too complicated.


Woo! Here's hoping we get to see some otter booty! <3 For the two pinup dilemma, I like the idea of you just picking the highest one from another category. It doesn't diminish the weight of the votes while giving you some elbow room for what you'd like to spend a ton of time on as the artist.


Artist's choice for the second pinup sounds reasonable.


I'd like to see you draw the vote winner, and then make the second one a personal choice. But I'm an artist myself so I'm biased towards letting the artist have fun :P If you're worried about voter input, maybe make it a personal choice from the characters who ranked 2-6 in the voting pool.


Also yay me XD Poor Goldie gettin no love. Rock-a-doodle is a hilarious movie.


I think the artist's choice would be a nice idea. We are helping you do this, but you shouldn't always cater everything to us. Picking the second pin-up would allow us to see what ideas you have for charterers that we haven't picked on. It wouldn't be balanced per say, but we all will enjoy what you want to draw as well!


Artists choice sounds like a good way to handle it. Also Slow and steady Colleen. Slow and steady.


Gender-switch avaible? (even only on the second winner) Count me in!


He meant picking the highest voted character of the opposite gender from the winner. Changing the gender of something people had been voting for would be a dick move.