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May's content poll this time is also including an option to update my old tutorials. New art, higher res, and any changes I'd have made. Just as an idea! Otherwise, this poll will end on the 25th and any secondary polls if needed, will go up then!



please I want that warning Daki so badly!


Really want some more from Twix and Lia

Michael Hunt

Hate to say this but I think the choices are slightly skewed due to everyone's favorite red furred ship worker Edit: I know it's an example. But people REALLY like her and Warning


Oh man the tutorials have been super helpful for me when drawing. Hope to see them updated one day.


Drat three of these choices are things I really want. How do I choose?


*bangs cup on desk* We Want A Pinup! XD

Sakura Wulf

Well... voting won't make any difference now.


I’d love to eventually see one of those “dick-chart” memes of Fluff’s penis bearing OC’s. That’d be sick