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Just writing a short update for you all, that I won't be quick/easy to reach until Sunday because of FWA this weekend to which I'm heading. FWA is a large con and local to me, and I may work on a few things while I'm gone, but I mostly plan on coming back Sunday night, and as soon as the week starts, hit the ground running with new comic ideas and seeing what you all think, going back and forth with some, etc. For those of you heading to this awesome convention, I will be doing a panel on Saturday at 3pm on digital colouring! If you aren't, or have never been, I'd highly recommend it for the atmosphere, con hotel(s) and food right next door. I only go to a few cons a year, and this is a big one.

I'll have my tablet and (most likely) internet access, and try to post the voting and send out ZIP links while I'm gone, but if I can't, just sit tight and I will get to sending them out Sunday the 3rd or Monday the 4th at the latest. The 3k milestone might dip back below, and I'll try to work under the assumption that it -will- go through, and aim for 3 comic pages this month to start, but if it falls back under for some reason, I'll have to replace the last page with some other commission work or such.

I'll talk to you all when I return. Let me know if I'll see you there!


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