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Wow, okay. Thank you all for the shouts and comments on my page about it! That's a large number for a Patreon community, I think.. and a decent number for mostly furry work! This is a long post, but I would be grateful if you all could take just a few minutes and read it. Thank you!

Thanks you guys, everyone of all levels and donation durations, I really, really mean it. Even the people that aren't here anymore, I thank them too. It's kind of funny that we hit 500/3000/Comic end all at the same time. I make no mistake in using the term 'we' there either, this is just as much a community of supporters each chipping in little bits for something that everyone can enjoy as a whole; I'm just the engine behind the work, you guys are the fuel, driver, and Patreon is the vehicle... not sure why I just made that analogy but I'm too tired to hold down backspace and rewrite it.

There are some details behind the number that confuse even me, however, so let me share what I know. Even though it says 500/3k, that's not actually my cut. Even though it -says- "This is your cut after declined pledges and fees" it actually isn't. From my understanding... when the month begins, it removes declined pledges and patrons from that counter, however, NEW patrons and pledges get added to that counter UNTIL they're declined. So while the numbers go up, there will, unfortunately but most likely, be a number of them that won't go through at the start of the month. So until then, their pledges and such are considered "OK". That's weird to me, but hey. It's basically saying, "Next time the month turns, IF these 500 patrons process, FK will earn 3k as his cut." but in reality, well, say 20 declined. It will shave off those 20 and their pledges, so it's very well possible that it drops down past 3k again after April begins, climbs back up.. drops down when May begins.. repeat, each time dropping the declined pledges from the headcount, and keeping the processed ones.

So, while that's a bit odd to understand, I hope it makes sense. I could be wrong about parts of it too, but that's my understanding of it. That being said, if it drops TOO far back down below 3000, I'll have to hold off on the 3k reward, not to punish you or because I'm being cheap, but because the time spent doing it I'll have to devote to something else to try and make up for the declined pledges. It's a small bump in the road though really, overall you guys have supported me way more than I really ever thought and already I've been able to do tons of experiments with art, exploring characters, and obviously, the comic stuff. It's that 3k mark that would solidify my ability to go all-out on this site and not have to take additional work of some kind, and instead get the time to perhaps do commission streams for y'all, as I know a lot of people ask about them and I sadly just haven't had the time recently.

That being said, if it stays up to 3k or stays close, this is how it will work:

I could stand to do two pinups, two comic pages, OR one pinup, and three comic pages. I will ask people to vote, one way or the other, on which to do each month. I'm not sure how I'll pick the second pinup; if it will be the second-highest voted one at the time, or some other method, like lesser-known characters, to give them a chance. I'll figure that out shortly. Technically, comic pages use less time, but if I did the pinup route, I could still work it out to where I'm basically doing one of those things each week; either a pinup or a comic page. I'll be honest, I -THINK- I can do it, but I don't know for sure. I'm not afraid to admit defeat if I realize I'm getting burned out, and I think some of you would know, that it's better to cut back to a steady pace than try to work at 100% all the time. So, if I find out it's too much for me to handle, I will definitely be clear with you all first, and open up to possibly more or simply different, ideas to replace the milestone; I don't want to just say "Well, couldn't do it!" and go back to normal mode. I think 3k is a big goal and I want to show my thanks somehow, just, without burning me out.

So again, thank you guys, a boatload, for thinking that my work is worth your own hard-earned money. I will keep trying to make it worth your while, and I love hearing feedback and suggestions , the comments on the feed, and the vocal support to boot. You're all a huge motivation for me and I enjoy making as many of you pleased as I can with my work!




Your art is fantastic, Fluff. Thank you for providing us with such wonderful works to enjoy!

Bruce W

Congrats; I am sure if 3000 does not hold it will be there in a month or two. I will look for your poll/comments/whatever-you-want-to-call-it; pretty sure I am going to vote for 2 pinups a month, even if that means not-so-many options (layers) per pinup PSD.


Congrats on hitting $3K! Please keep a good eye on your health, and thank you for all the art you've created so far!


Congrats and good luck!


It's been a fun ride. I can't wait to see where you take us next. :D


Personally, I'd love to see a second pinup each month. but I wouldn't complain about the other option, either. Both are great, extra pinup is just that little bit higher in preference for me. hehe Whatever happens, thanks for all the work you've done! It's been great watching you create all these awesome pieces of work, be they sketches (sexy/silly and otherwise), Ask ARA posts, pinups or comic pages. Here's hoping this trend will continue for a long, long time. There is one minor thing I'd like to mention, though, and I do know it is your prerogative... but I hope that you'll keep some room, even if just a little bit, for commissions. It would be a shame for yet another incredible artist to completely lock out taking commissions due to Patreon taking up all their time.


Congrats on it all, I've only been here for part of it, but it's been awesome to see the following grow. And you certainly make me want to stay around, the community is great and I really like your streams. I don't have really any suggestions, there is likely always something to change, but as it stands I love it. Also we need more Ayn content, you keep making cute/sexy sketches of her!

Alexis G Lemur

Congrats! I've been a patron for well over a year, going on 2 and I'm very happy with everything you've provided us so far! the best way to deal with patrons! I look forward to all your future work and hopefully with even more and more supporters!


I'm just glad I can help support art like yours! Only been here for a little while, but here to stay. You go above and beyond for us,and I think we all look forward to your future works Fluff! Have a great day!


Thank you! and I'm glad you love Ayn, she's honestly one of my favourite characters, sometimes the top!


Thank you! It's always happy to see you around and know you're enjoying it!


To add another comment: I personally suggest just alternating between two pinups and a third comic page each month. Voting has the potential for several month-long streaks of the same one getting picked, which could make a large number of people feel like the vote doesn't even matter. And with only two options, making the votes carry over each month would basically just make it alternate anyway. This doesn't feel like a thing that should be too variable, as it's a stretch goal for the entire patreon. Alternating keeps it totally balanced, so you end up doing 3 pinups and 5 comic pages across two months. Just my thoughts on the matter. :D


Yeah, that's not a bad idea either, and some good points. I'll think on that, and see how I feel one over the other. Thanks!