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There was one more matter to discuss on the first comic; I wanted more closure than Rehzi running off and Mihari just passed out. A few hours later she comes to, and makes some remarks on the events before heading off herself. Rehzi's found his way back to the other gazelles, and it seems Mihari's efforts in awakening his 'inner-Predator' worked -too- well and after a wrecking to one of the does, the others start lining up to try him out for themselves. A bit of humour in the ending, but I didn't want it to end on a completely serious note, it's been light humour throughout the comic I think. The dialogue will hint toward an answer or two about the story, and let folks know about how it ends for him.

I'll say it now: there are no plans for a sequel in the sense of Mihari or Rehzi. 'Predators' as a whole was designed with the idea of predators and prey all throughout the world in different, standalone stories and locations, loosely connected by a few elements, such as the magic seeds and a slowly unraveling larger story. I'm not saying we won't see Mihari or Rehzi again, but there won't be another Predators of Kilimanjaro, instead, we'll see Predators of Denali. of the Nile. of the Amazon. of the Great Coral Reef, etc. Different locations with different stories. I know this first wasn't too heavy on story really, but I hope to get better as I go along. I hope you guys enjoy this last page; I plan to finish it up by tomorrow and will likely work on the cover art instead of doing another page for March. And a new comic will start in April.



Joel Kreissman

Looks like the herd may have a new alpha buck.

Bruce W

Sounds like a decent 'master plan'.


Sounds fantastic bro!!!! Can't wait for the new comics


Totally love the expression of the doe on the bottom left. <3


Good to see such a good ending to such a great comic, really looking forward to the cover! Can't wait to see the next one!


Great ending, definitely wanted to see Rehzi get his breed on after that.