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Hey folks!

Hope you are all having a good weekend so far! Tomorrow (Sunday) is Valentine's Day, so I won't be doing the normal stream then, I'm gonna move it to Monday the 15th. Will instead spend the day with my gf Rei.

In case you all are wondering where the art is, it's there, just always in-betweens, and currently, trying to put AAALLL my artistic energy into finishing Nytro's dakimakura (which, I am remembering, take way more energy than I originally remembered). The comic has a bunch of loose sketches, I need to assemble them into pages, but it does lead me to ask:

For the Nytro daki, I plan to do a sheath, humanoid, and canine variants, and a clothed tanktop/boxers variant. However I'm not going to stock all of these, so I'm thinking the sheath and canine bits variants will be inital-order-only. I hope to wrap this all up in the next few days and have some earlybird pricing for them.

Thank you all for the support! Sorry it's taken so long to roll back out into a normal schedule or pattern of things. I really want to start cutting down non-comic/non-story in the future, I want to get the ball rolling on my scifi stuff this year harder than I had been.



The sci fi stuff is what I’ve been patiently waiting to get for a long time. Soon™


You two love birds have fun ... err, love bird and love doggo


That daki is gonna be smokin' hot. Hope we'll get the raw images up here as well~


Good ol Valentine’s Day. I hope everyone has something planned for their significant other.

Antoine Davis

Awesome, also i hope you both have a great Valentine's day!

The Friendly Deathclaw

I Hope you and Rei have a lovely Valentine's day Fluff!!! I probably won't be able to watch strim on Monday so see you on the next Sunday Strim :) or the $10 Strim. I look forward to being able to order a Nyro Daki!! Does cutting down on non-comic/non-story stuff include requests?

Caspian Yuichiro

*looks at nytro daki* ILL TAKE YOUR ENTIRE STOCK