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Hey guys n gals, this was the $25+ tier-picked image of the month, 'Tala gang bang'! I tried to think of a scenario where this could plausibly happen, and while I won't say it's canon, because it hasn't happened yet and dunno where the story will go, it's certainly plausible.

Tala on her climb has gotten a thing for big softies(thanks Massak), and as she toys and plays around with the bear chief Aska, some of her close wolf friends help 'mask his scent' from their alpha Kiga, to let them continue their secret.

Saved out quite a few versions here...couldn't really help it. Loved the idea and scenario *shrug*! So just bit off more than I could chew. Enjoy!

(a lot more files in the folder than in the post here)

Web-res files:





I wonder if that big bear gives her a tummy bulge. :p

Richard Awesome

That's a pretty solid plan to give us the gangbang lol.


Simply amazing.

Joel Kreissman

The disembodied dick in the last pic looks like a nasty prolapse.


Sorry to say but for me you just killed the comic. Even if you say it has nothing to do with predators of Denali. Tala was a great character to me and it was nice to see her exploring things but with every Pic of her doing orgies and stuff you just killed the reason to follow the comic. I love you're artwork but I have to admit that predators of Denali is over for me.


He's explained multiple times that she's not innocent, just repressed. Her encounter with Massak went from introductions to indulging in muskplay and deepthroating within minutes lol.


You don't get the point but that's okay. Only few will understand my opinion.

cittran genericlastname

No he gets the point. You want her to be innocent. She's just repressed. There's a difference. Just because someone disagrees with your opinion doesn't mean they automatically don't understand it. Based on your wording, you've built up a mental version of Tala where she's completely new to all this, and there's no possible way she could go from zero to 100 so quickly. Funny thing about being repressed -- when the dam of repression finally bursts, whatever was behind it tends to come flowing out rather quickly. Could be emotions, could be sexuality, could just be questioning your view of the world after you're exposed to new ideas. In Tala's case, her alpha has made advances that she didn't return, and that's really all she's experienced so far before this. Massak is the first time *she's* chosen someone else. Realizing that you are your own person can have a very profound effect on someone's decisions in life. Personally, I'm not really into gangbangs, but it has zero effect on whether I enjoy the comic. (Which I do. Very much.) Also, all this philosophy aside.... It's a porn comic. Sex gonna happen.


I understand; some stuff will affect people in different ways, and I can’t always please everyone. I know some things will just be off-putting to some and it’s unavoidable. I don’t take offense or personally, BUT, it’s not like I can do anything about it; I can’t undo drawing this or how you feel about it. So letting me know it’s over for you doesn’t really leave me with a way to adjust or plan things in a way that I’d call feedback, is all. Maybe you’ll feel different the more the comic goes, I dunno!


Love This! Tala is an adorable girl and even if non-canon I love to see her reveling in her desires.