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Whew, sorry about the brief absence, guys. I know I usually don't like to go more than 3 or 4 days without a post, but my past week's been tied with finishing some of these arts as well as taxes, banking and legal appointments still related to moving in.

These requests were a bit slow, but still really fun, and I liked how they turned out. Sucrose from Genshin Impact, having an alchemical accident where her clothing was wiped out as a result... was actually requested by two people! Nathaniel N. and KyrosMithrarin. I dunno if this situation is a reference to the game or what, but I thought it was interesting! And Kathrin from TwoKinds again, I put in a tropical beach setting for a good butt shot. Requested by AirbusTheBest

Mahalo (thank you) for your support and requests, especially in-stream support from Mercrantos, FriendlyDeathclaw, Ahawk95, Blobage, TheLostOnesAreThere, and ECKoonz! You all really push the support up!

Files for Jan requests for this tier:







Kat came out great! Love the bottomless versions, as always. You do some good butt shots. Just out of curiosity, could we get a fully nude version, too? I don't play Genshin, but this girl is also really cute. Very fun scenario here. :D


Headcanon: Kat and Zen take a private getaway to make up for missing out on all the beach day fun during the Oasis Room arc. These came out awesome, Fluff! I bet you could tell by all us TK fans tripping over ourselves in the chat on Sunday, lol. Keep up the great work! Mahalo!


They're both so pretty! Very nice work, Fluff!


Sucrose is ridiculously adorasexy.


Love all the alts on the Kathrin pic. A nice beach bum to keep us warm this winter ^_^


Very pleasantly surprised to see Sucrose~ She's easily one of my favorite Genshin characters, adorable as hell, really happy to see she's getting love!


SUCROSE!!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 YES SO MUCH!!!! <3 <3 <3

Commander Sonic

Woah, wasn’t expect Fluff to do Genshin Impact. Cool!


Holy Moly, I never thought you would actually pick my request! Thanks a lot, it turned out wonderful and cute! I don't know, if there is a reference in the game beside Sucrose being an alchemist, i just thought it would be funny. C: Thank you again and sorry for the bad english.