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Hey folks!

So, have some things to discuss and bring up, November will kind of be an anomaly for me; a large, complex move a very long ways is coming up mid-month, so I just simply won't have access to my main PC, desk, chair, etc, as it'll have been packed up and in a moving company's hands for quite a while. Even as I'm typing this I realize how much that's gonna suck. BUT, I've been practicing doing  pretty much everything on my iPad lately, so I'm used to the mobile setup, I just won't be -as- fast or comfy, and not sure how I can stream with that setup.

I've thought about it, and here's what I think will work best:

Instead of the standard schedule of Sunday streams, 4/month, 2 tier streams/month, and voted image, so on, I won't have the luxury of being that reliable in planning and timing. Many, many of you have told me, that you just want to support my work, and don't mind how I do it. But I still want the pledges and tiers to be worthwhile! So, I'm going to make November what I'd call a "Mix Month." I'll just.. draw. As much as I can, when I can, on..whatever I feel like I can, not following the usual stream/project goals. This means...I won't have a voted project poll idea, stream schedule or otherwise. I'll keep the $25 tier-selected image however, because it's a high valued reward, and still fits with the rest of the theme of the month, being a mixed bag of work.

In the best case scenario, I'll still aim to complete comic work, and that image, but everything else could be.. world/character building sketches, request sketches, reworks, fun stuff, finishing un-finished stuff... things like that.

Near the end of November, probably like the 27th or so, I'll evaluate the month and how this experiment went. If I, and you all, feel like I did a good month's worth of work, despite the absences from the norm, I'll pat myself on the back, and then continue work-as-usual for December. December won't have the usual yearly busy-ness and huge holiday time commitment for me, as I won't be visiting any family.

Otherwise, worst case scenario... if, on the 27th, I feel I haven't gotten much at all done, and that I haven't made your pledges worth it, I'll pause my Patreon for December, and use that month to finish November's work, and then some. Holiday pictures, merch, and the worldbuilding/character/fun misc stuff that would've normally been done in November under the 'best case scenario' above. 

I'd then make sure that all November pledges would receive the usual files, either manually via notes, or tier posts in the feed. I really want everyone to know how much your support means and helps me, and it's not something I want to get for doing nothing.

All that being said..! I'm going to do my best, and you all have my thanks. Thank you for enjoying and supporting my silly furry porn.

(update: )

I'm still going to stream MONDAY night (11/2 , internet has gone down tonight-Sunday-and not sure when it will return), at the usual time and place, 7pm EST( https://picarto.tv/FluffKevlar in about 90 mins) and once more on Wednesday.



Sounds good to me Fluff. You do what you feel is best for yourself, here's hoping the move goes smoothly!

The Friendly Deathclaw

I like this way you have decided to handle arts for November. I hope the move goes smoothely for you!! also I hope ya don't lose anything important in it, in my families experience there is always something that goes missing in long distance moves


Sounds like a good plan. Just do what you want and enjoy a more freeform schedule while you're moving. I was just worried about you overloading yourself and burning out. :)


Those little artbirb doodles are adorable, by the by~. Here's hoping the move goes well and nothing's damaged~


First and foremost... can we get more griffon picks like above? :D Secondly, hope the move goes well. Don't sweat too much over making the month "worth while". You've been solidly consistent and delivered loads of content for years. I don't think people are going to fuss over one month of "off time". XD I look forward to seeing what you bring us this November, and, I'm certain it'll all be worth it in the end.


You've always more than kept up with your work since I've started pledging, can't always be on your a game, sometimes a break is forced on ya. That said, if you need a request to work on offline, I don't need to be around for mine :V


Looks like we both have an insane month ahead then. Well, hopefully other patrons won't drop off from the change of schedule. You're a pretty prolific artist so it should be fine. I'm just happy to get unreleased stuff. Do what you've gotta do frand!

Antoine Davis

Sounds good Fluff, i hope you and Rei have a safe move and that i wish you the best for November. Also, just now Picarto seems to have a gateway error.


Thank you for being so honest and genuine as always Fluff, just do what you can and I'll always support you! <3

Jake Black

Hope everything goes smoothly with your move! Make sure to protect those hard drives and heavy components (graphics cards etc.) in the move :) heard some frightening stories of peoples trashed PCs in moving vans. Hoping all the best :)


Good luck with the move and don't worry, make sure you are all good to go!