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Hey folks! So, a bit of an update-

Just got back from a -very- long car ride, and before that a -very- uncomfortable guest bed at my parents' place for a visit. Needless to say I am exhausted and won't be able to stream today. I thought I'd have enough energy but it's just not in the cards.

I will try to do the stream for tomorrow evening, maybe 5pm EST if I can manage. But for the remainder of the month I'm going to put requests to the side, and focus on finishing at least the one comic page, and the Poke-series of pictures. I feel kind of awful that October wasn't very productive, and that November will be worse, but...as much as I'd like to be a nonstop art-machine, I just can't, and life gets in the way.

So, speaking of next month, I just want to be upfront with y'all, I'm moving in the middle of the month, and the week before, and after, will be a pretty sparse mess. I'm not sure what the best way to go about doing artwork for Nov. will be... I could do a number of things, like either simply focus on comic, do all requests, do nothing but sketchwork, or if worst came to worst, I'd pause for the month, and simply do November work in December and such. 

It's not an easy for quick move, as quite a ways away, and times for streams will also be affected and shifted. So, apologies in advance for the totally whack and unpredictable schedule November will be.



Good luck with the move!

Antoine Davis

It's alright Fluff, things happen and stuff just gets in the way sometimes. Wishing you and Rei the best!

The Friendly Deathclaw

it's okay Fluff!! Good luck with the move!! Get some rest Fluff!


Understandable. Hopefully you can get a good night's sleep.


No worries dude. Get some rest and best of luck with the move!

Skeleton Man

all sketch month could be pretty cool


Completely understandable dude


No problem man take it easy!


Life happen Fluff. We'll be here when you get back. 😃


Fluff you're doing great! Please take care of yourself and take it easy for a bit


No sweat fluff, these things happen. Get some well deserved rest and best of luck on your move!


No sweat. Focus on life events and your own stress. As for next month, I'd honestly say just pause the Patreon and don't worry about it. Both times I've moved were a hectic, nonstop mess for a couple weeks. If you have some time at the start and end of the month to do some requests or just whatever you feel like, do that, but don't worry about maintaining your official rhythm while working around such a major life event. Take care of yourself first, and ALSO don't try to cram more shit in December to "make up" for it. You don't need to make up for not drawing porn while moving, my dude. ;P We'll still be here.


If you know it's going to be a hectic month because of the move, I would recommend going ahead and pausing Patreon for the month. Focus on the important things, dedicate your time to the important things, and we can catch up once you've gotten everything settled.

Arseni Ivanov

Agree with all that was stated above. Pausing Patreon for a month and relieving yourself of a stress is a best course of action, in my opinion.


idk moving is expensive, he prolly needs the cash