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Thank you for the stream Sunday! For the in-stream support from Skimike, Blobage, FriendlyDeathclaw and Mitchell!

It was kind of difficult.. one of those off days I guess. In the end I just spent hours sketching and not liking the result, starting over, etc. Until I just picked one and went with it, really, without thinking about what it was gonna be until I was already halfway in there.

So I took the request submitted by Magitechnician, who submitted via the 'Artists Choice' option.. and made Human Tala! I also threw in a ...Okami-mimi, I guess, variation!

I had thought about a human Tala for a while now...I love drawing them but often don't get much chance to explore it. I had done a doodle of her once before on my comic page notes, so some slight reference to go off of...

I tried to work a lot of native Alaskan features into Tala like eye shape, cheeks, and lip shape. Koyukon Athabascan women have facial markings that represent accomplishments/milestones in life, or significant others/family, names, etc. and so since Tala is an adult, I kind of 'translated' her simple-comic-markings into more symbolic ones here: Denali has two summits, so the mark on her head is a symbol of that, her cheeks are pebbles in river, hence her tribal birth name 'Young River', the lower chin lines are her parents and middle one, grandmother, who raised her. On her arm is the weather and moon phase at time of her birth, and the lower line is for weaving, a skill she's had mastered, though not used in the comic thus far.

Anyway..enjoy a bit of worldbuilding/education/character background!

HD files in the October link for them on last post for $5+, and end of month ZIP.




Hey, it's almost TF! :V


Oh my o,o


I... never realised there was so much meaning in their markings. XD


Heck yeah nice 👀


She look soo cute!


Oh wow! Nice


She’s cute ❤️😍


Tala is cute in any form ^_^ And respects to the amount of research you did going into this design.


While I’ll always prefer furry Tala, human Tala is pretty freaking cute! Speaking of wolf Tala, I wonder if she’ll get inspired and weave something from Massak’s fur, hehehe


She's super cute! And I love the more detailed markings with explanations. I wouldn't mind seeing how regular Tala looks with these markings, too. <3


Really nailed the humanized Tala~! Her features transposed well from wolf form, from her cute button nose (Tala seems to have a shorter/smaller muzzle) to the somewhat round face; adorable perfection. Fleshing out Tala's backstory a bit with the detailed markings is also appreciated (her 'birth name' made me chuckle for a sec, as I appreciated how well even her name seems to fit)


a human what even is this gAh > (joke) < jokes aside its nice :3

That guy

She’s adorable


She might be cuter human than wolf, very nice.