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The winner on this month's poll was a short sketch set!

I would describe this as not exactly like the Predators 1.1 comic set, that'd be too much I think to get into one month, but either a 1-2 page short comic on a topic, or, an image sequence, akin to several standalone doodles(non-alt in format). Some ideas I have for this:

  • My Poke-OCs, Kona, Faraday(and others), at a Pkmn breeding center, each being used/breeding with other anthro Poke-species.
  • Vess, my Kobold, in a DnD-type series of porn with various creatures and species, with some internal dialogue/documentation of her character.

These two ideas I think fit this more than my Predators/Sci-Fi characters and settings, BUT, I want to hear from you all too! It doesn't have to be my OCs at all, but I assumed it likely. I'm going to take the top/my favourite two suggestions and pair them with the ones above for a vote. 

If you have an idea, feel free to comment it below until the end of day 9th, or voice support for one of the others! I'll do the vote then, and work on comic in meantime. Thanks!!



Yep, some pokemon breeding sounds great.


I'd say Ayn in a gangbang/ Group sex with some halloween theme?


Or Vikna venting on Nytro while being observed by Ara? Fun in zero G perhaps?


Male lucario breeding female Arcanine in the doggy style with possible ball gag for the Arcanine's mouth with excess saliva drooling out of her mouth.


Or Mihari getting caught in a net trap by a bunch of vengeful gazelle who resent Rehzi sexual prowesses? some nice bondage group action.


Oh! Vess. Look nice to see more of her x3


Both sound amazing... but I do want to see more of Vess. Neat design, and never enough adorable kobolds.

Holy Zen!

I like the first idea.


Pokemon breading is my vote

Grizzly Gus

Tala being bred by the wolves of her tribe or even better the bears of the other tribe


Pokemon please

Antoine Davis

I like the pokemon idea!


I like the pokemon breeding idea and wish to learn more


Too much pokemon already never enough kobolds


As a few of the others have said, including bondage would be great


I vote Vess, because she needs explored. Pokemon will probably win, and I'm not apposed to that.


Vess the kobold.


Kobold idea for me.

Tank Hamster

Vikna on a covert mission getting caught by an enemy patrol? Ayn trick-or-treating enters a haunted house and gets gangbanged by ghost dicks/hands?


Definitely love the sound of the Pokemon one!


The breeding center idea sounds pretty great!


Ayn seducing and fucking Sabir for the first time, doesn’t help that she does it in a place where anyone could barge in. Alternatively, Bailey getting ritualistically bang by some bear ladies and bear guys with Aska leading them,


Id like to see a bunch of slice of life sketches of the crewmembers on board the ship Ara administrates. Maybe have her observe them curiously.


Vess the kobold with some DnD monsters sounds great. There's a lot of material our there in the DnD world!


I say DnD stuff.


Transportation in the Fluff-verse. Things like: driving a car, taking public transit, riding a train, and taking a spaceship to a new planet

Sum Gai

Poke-OCs sounds nice


I'd like to see more robotic units like the doggo.


For a non-porn worldbuilding suggestion: I would love to see our anthroids interacting and conversing with the set from another ship. Show some different species representation and drop some worldbuilding details in the background and their dialogue. However many works well for this format - could just be ARA and SRK/ZTA. Or a pairing we haven't seen yet - ARA and TVK. Just some cool, casual interaction between some prime platforms and their derivatives from another vessel while they're all on downtime at a station or something. I think it'd be really fun.


Poke-OC's having fun sounds good to me


I like the Vess idea! It might be fun for her to be in over her head, like she's a Lvl. 7 and she wandered into a Lvl. 60 dungeon, maybe the creatures that should be giving her no trouble are having their way with her as a result. Silly, overzealous and overconfident kobold!

Austin Smith

Poke breeding center


Absolutely love the breeding center idea

Joseph Manley

Pokemon sounds really exciting by me! Always excited to see a Lucario breeded.


We haven't seen much of Vess so my votes on her


Just an idea if they are gonna be “sketches” why not work on the ever expanding request list just not as polished as the normal requests are

Deciem X

Vess working her way through various D&D monsters would be fun.


Ohhh, I love these two ideas! Pokemon breeding center sounds pretty fun, but i personally would go for the DnD Style sketches, purely for the creative potential (And the many many unexplored dnd lewd possibilities)


gib Kobold! kobold sound nice! i like both Ideas but personally i like the Kobold idea more because i like the species alot

Patrick Bradley

Pokemon breeding center all the way love your poke- OC's and we rarely see em


I wanna breed the best there ever was And skeet on the rest, yeah that's my cause! But seriously. Two bear thumbs up for a pokemon set!

Skeleton Man

I would love to see the first option!


Lizardy ladies are a bit out of the norm for you, would be fun to see you mix in some tf to one of these ideas. Wwerewolves in d&d? Making a human into a new kobold for a dragon master? Lots possibilities! Yes I'm shilling for TF :V


Hmmm I prefer both.... Yes Both would be fine!


Vess would be delightful. Please do!


The Pokemon breeding center idea sounds sooo good! All your pokemon OCs are beautiful, it would be nice to see a lot more of them. And maybe some new ones too! P.S. If this idea does win, I really hope Blaziken and Lopunny make an appearance somewhere, they're both my favorites that you've drawn <3


You really do a fine Captain Amelia. Just sayin' :)


I really like the sound of that DnD comic with Vess because I'm a kobold and DnD fanatic.

Hairy maclary

halloween goodness sounds fun, or vess

Nuwa Nightstone

https://i.imgur.com/BIM1KuE.png I VOTE KOBOLDS


I would absolutely love to see more of Vess.


I'd love to see a feral ARA. Like, ARA, but as an actual housecat.


Eipril made this animation recently https://e621.net/posts/2376001 featuring this stunning Lynx girl named well... 'Lynx' https://data.yiff.party/patreon_data/970980/36215673/60989230/col.PNG whom we never got to see fully naked or getting much past 'foreplay'. How about an image set seeing her stripped bare and getting some proper action. Something Halloween themed and/or to do with magic perhaps.

William Seal

I also vote for the Vess comic.