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Spoopy times are here, and that means time for a vote on what kind of project I do this month! I don't have any plans for Halloween-type stuff, but I may think up something later, maybe? Or if anyone has ideas of their own.

Sketch set could be a variety of things; unique pairings, what-if scenarios, small snippets of life, etc. Sticker/reaction image sets would be either a lot from one character, or a variety from several. Never really done them before but it'd be fun to try! Nytro daki still needs done, and the 'rework art' is either refining old sketches, or perhaps finishing some unfinished ones from pinups that I liked a lot.

Go ahead and cast your vote here, Some of these will call for a "Part 2" poll later if they win( all but the daki) for $5+ supporters. Votes will be added from both SS/Patrn sites.

Last day to vote will be the 6th, EST!



How do sticker sets work out of curiosity? 😁 this idea sounds amazing


A sticker set option!? Hopefully you’ll get a shot at that one month.


Sketch image set with Lia and Twix? A quick scene with them playing "hide the knot"? Or maybe Mihari meeting Loki?


In terms of halloween stuff, maybe your Anthroids swapping color schemes for fun? That could be cute.


Maybe Ayn’s first successful seduction of Sabir or Bailey’s first romp with Aska.


Always sad to see the daki getting so few votes :(


Awww, thanks!


The sketches look great but that daki though. ow o


Anime tiddy when 😏