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Some wholesome porn, starring Nytro and Zofie!

This picture was requested, and voted on, by the 25$ patrons this month, and finished after the Sunday stream! Thank you all for attending, and the in-stream support from Skimike, FriendlyDeathclaw, Blobage, PhuriousGeorge, Hyperblast, ECKoonz, and Ahawk! You guys really are awesome.

I had trouble with this.. and then fun with it once it got going. The idea was originally for 'post-sex snuggles' but since it was relatively easy to make some semi-clothed 'SFW' versions, I threw it in too, with some various dialog for character.

Just posting the WEB-res version here, HD can be found in the dropbox folder linked in the previous $5+ tier posts though for requests.




awww so sweet


Awwwwwwwww Cookie Dough is such a cute nickname for Zofie 😊


COOKIE DOUGH. I'm dead. Shut me down. This is it. <3 <3 <3


Why am I imagining Vikna watching through security camera, enjoying herself, and feeling just a touch jealous? XD

Skeleton Man

love it! This is going to make a wonderful phone wallpaper :3


That, is some good good stuff right there

The Friendly Deathclaw

this has gotta be one of my favorite Request pics now <3

Antoine Davis

Cute and awesome, great job!


OOH JUST LOVE each and every time Zofie pops up, her proportions, personality, how I can imagine her voice with that accent and design in general is just so fun and fits many things I love.


This is so sweet. I love that his nickname for her is "Cookie Dough", so goofy and adorable. Thanks Fluff!


Words fail me trying to say how much I love this. You 25$ folks are making some 9000 IQ requests!


She is shorter than I thought she'd be.


OMG this is so adorable. I need more wholesome content like this with other Fluff OC's!


Never thought I'd see something so sweet with Nyt in it to be honest, it's so nice Fluff! I'm pretty sure I've asked this before, but I'm always curious about your characters and their lore and stuff; what's their relationship like? Are they like...really close and sweet friends with benefits, dating but in an open relationship, exes that are still close? Oh also I gotta add that I like the little detail of the...I don't even know what to call it but...panty tail loop? Neat little detail~


Fluff is certainly quite the engineer. He solves practical problems. ...Like how to put panties on a dog. Really intuitive, that Fluff.

Futrzasty Mefju

Dawwww... its so cute <3 fantastic work


Well thank you! I have some ideas for her voice but need to find some examples


Really love how this came out Fluff, and the nickname makes it all the more adorable!


So adorable, I appreciate seeing soft and tender moments between characters. Sure the rough and tumble scenes are always bread winners, but sometimes it's the warm and fuzzy moments before and/or after the hardcore stuff that can be just as great to see as well. :3


This is really nice Kev 👌


Aw, they are so smitten with each other, it’s adorable! Such a sweet pairing *^^*

Skeleton Man

cant find the dropbox link for +5usd patreons, anyone has the patreon post for it?


Nytro <3


It’s back on the post from the 19th with Ayn there. The Dropbox has many of the posts so far.


Give us time, we'll screw it up somehow somewhen. XD


I think it turned out pretty good all things considered just wish I could have stuck around to see you stream more of it than I did


Yay nytro! Wonderful short story


The amount of feels in this is off the charts.


Thank you FK. I like a lot of your characters, not all I must admit, but Nytro and Zofie are part of those I really like a lot. This picture is perfect for my taste. Hope you're being well, continu like that /o/