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Thank you for a good stream this week! Extra thank-you to the in-stream support from Skimike, FriendlyDeathclaw, Ichigo-Neko, Hawk2929, and Ahawk95 ! Requests were:

Freya, on her back and POV creampie'd, requested by LordEnerjak

VST, requested by Hairy McLairy and Tempest Valiant

Now I'm sure I'll get to giving VST a lewd alt on this; as I do plan on having him mount some OCs for feral stuff but honestly, not sure on what appearance of appendage. So I'll take my time on that before the end of the month and add versions in later, but for now just enjoy the robo-good-boy! His colours aren't 100% final, but I did fiddle with them a -lot-, so, I doubt they'll change too much. I tried to keep him in line with the colour schemes of the other AI, some type of combination of ARA and Warning's, but we'll see what comes of it.

On Freya's image and alts, as well as some other recent previous POV shots, I've included both caucasian and POC skin tones; I dunno if that ticks any boxes for anyone, but leave a shout out if it's appreciated!  I try to do more than simple hue slider adjustments for it.


 I haven't given full thought as to what VST sounds like.. but probably a deeper 'Legion', from Mass Effect, or something. Still looking! 




VST and Zeta would be hot


Now I'm imagining KITT's voice as VST xD


And the ‘good boy’ award goes to...

Antoine Davis

They both look awesome, really like VST's design.


That's a pretty good idea! ZTA hasn't gotten a pounding, ever. Her robo-dragon-thing friend would be a great start.


Loving the design of VST. As far as the colours go I think it suits him, maybe add some lighter tones in the body but he looks great as is!

Lupo Mikti

The skin color alts are nice and very much appreciated (by me at least x3). Also I'd waste so much time petting VST, I'd never get anything done if required two hands lol


She should totally be in charge for that, too. Power-bottoming with him on a leash? ZTA doesn't seem like the submissive type. ;D


I hope VST gets a pretty neat dick. He's a totally unique species to your setting, so you can get creative there! His tongue is pretty cute too, not gonna lie.

Harvest Wendigo

Well VST just became one of my favorites. Such a good boi.


(Pets the good boy) Looks good in colour. We'll need to be seeing more of him.


Cool, on the skin tones!


Not really into humans, so I really appreciate the included furry dude alt.


Being that VST is an anthroid, I imagine his appendage could be interchangeable. Which just has me imagining Warning trying out a number of different options with him. So, you may not need to settle of a specific design. Could lead to some fun and interesting scenes.