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As my effort to thank you guys, these tiers will get a bit of a bonus, more streams from now on! These will be in addition to the usual Sunday streams I do. However, I'm not entirely settled on which days, or how to do it yet. Saturdays and Sundays are speken for, and Because I don't want to be pile on too much work in a row, in case they need to be rescheduled to the next day, I've kind of narrowed down these extra streams to Tuesday thru Friday.

The time of day will mostly be the same: starting about 7pm EST. I expect them to be about the same length as my Sunday, or slightly shorter, between 3-5 hours. To best find out what days and schedule to do them, I put together a very simple, brief Google Form:


Content of these streams is also listed on the form, but both of these fields are suggestions, and non-binding, I just want to know where the interests lie. Some days I just may be forced to pick a different date, or work on a different subject, what have you. The 'gaming' questions are purely my curiosity. I've streamed gaming before with you guys(some of you may remember.. was years ago), but I know people primarily follow me for furry art, so that's where I expect most of the interest.

Just select all that apply, or add any other questions below and we can pick a date!


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