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(the FK OC and Rework Old Art images shown here are just examples)
Alright! Here we go!

Welcome, supporters! Thank you for enjoying my artwork and thinking it deserves your funding! Both new patrons and old will now here be on the same page, so I'll offer a straightforward explanation. No more complicated vote numbers-by-tier things or counting by hand.

Each month I will do one or two polls. The first is for $5+ Patrons, between 4 categories I'm feeling up for that month. The categories will be picked from the pool below:

  • Additional comic page
  • OC world/character piece (sfw, like Nytro on the street of Kan Rein City, Ayn in her palace overlooking her city, Radoslav on the bridge of his flagship, etc)
  • OC NSFW feature (similar to current pinups, but focused on porn, less alt-based, like the Rehzi x Ayn pinup)
  • New fanart pinup (sfw/nsfw, sam as above but fanart roster)
  • "Reworked" pinups (take 1 or more previous pinups that may have some errors, a weird face, or additional alt potential and go back and edit/clean up/add to them)
  • Dakimakura
  • Ref sheets (likely 2-3 per month)
  • Sketch vignette/comic (ex. Predators 1.1)
  • Rework old art (take an old sketch that has potential, request or otherwise, and revisit it, fix/clean up, and ink/colour, ex. Twix' request from July '19, Nytro request from June '17)

This list can grow or shrink and it shouldn't affect the vote. After the winning category is picked, I will post a "winner" post, in which you can comment on suggestions for the subject matter or details of said category. For most winning categories, I will then make a second poll, open to $1 Tier as well, to vote on. Examples are:

  • Additional comic page - (might not be a second vote if this option wins the first vote.)
  • OC world/character piece - (vote on the character roster)
  • OC NSFW feature - (character/act/pair)
  • New fanart pinup - (character roster)
  • "Reworked" pinup - (vote on which previous pinups)
  • Dakimakura - (might not be a vote here either. probably only a vote on which daki would be next, if anything.)
  • ref sheets - (probably votes on which refs to do that month)
  • Sketch - vignette/comic (vote on ideas)
  • Rework old art - (vote on which old art pieces)

This second vote will also be up for 3 days or so. Then we will have our winner for the month, and I'll try to pick different categories if one keeps winning in a streak.

Some things to note:

Just because an option doesn't win, doesn't mean I won't work on it that month. The poll is to help guarantee work being done on something. But if I finish early, or feel inspired, I may also work on the other things as well. I won't stop myself from doing work on one of the runner-ups especially if it's something I was going to do anyway, like a Daki design, the next comic page, etc.

The old character roster isn't gone for good. The old vote board will appear when "Fanart Pinup" wins, and will still have its votes on there, just may be proportionately adjusted. New votes will just be added based on number of -people- voting for a character, rather than each tier getting certain numbers of votes.

I think that's all... I'm not sure if I'm missing any details or questions but if you have them, I'll try to edit this post to include it.



Considering where the comic is at, presently, I'm not surprised by these votes. XD

Lupo Mikti

Probably best not to spoil what's in the lead in comments, might make others feel like their vote won't matter ^^


Excited for the result


If I can say, it’s a little frustrating to not know which characters I’m voting for. Like I saw Twix in the banner and got excited, then I was disappointed to realize that I wasn’t actually voting for that specific picture (I think?).


Well the alternative is just a blank image.. because I won't know -which- old art to rework, until the option wins and then people suggest pieces. Sorry, I believe you can change your vote still; I'll try to add the word "example" or something to it for next time.


Any ideas on what characters you'll be adding back to the fanart voting poll, or is it too early to be worrying about that?