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Two pinups AND two comic pages this time around! I think May worked as a good catch-up month. I like the results and hope you guys do too! Thank you for the support each time around!

Don't forget to vote on the current pinup! Going on now--

Here's the files for this tier. Links valid til early next month. 


If you're brand new to this Patreon, and just joined near the end of last month and thus haven't gotten the files posted at the start of that month, you can scroll back through the feed, or PM me with a request for older month content for each new month pledged. 

I set the links to expire for 30 days for a few reasons: One, I often end up deleting or moving the ZIP folder down the line to save space on my drive, and compile them into a yearly ZIP for my E-junkie. Two, gives a bit more reason for the "request previous month" option from me, and three, it helps reduce bandwidth from my Dropbox and Patreon by consolidating the months into the yearly files and such.  To open ZIP files, I recommend "7-Zip" from a trusted source for easy, free compression file management. 


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