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Hey wonderful people--

I said I would post about this when the time came and so it's come at last. With the monthly pinup roster finally reaching 10 characters, it has become feasible to adjust it into a new method of voting.

Last time I posted about this, it was at the end of 2018, we talked about some ideas and ways this could be simplified. Of course, the result we came to then was about how I would tone down the alts, lower the number of characters on the roster at once, and to introduce a poll for the theme of the picture.

Now, sentiment has also changed a little in the last year and a half; I like to find a middle ground, so let's figure out a way this can work. The current problem is--some months, I can't even get the 2pages+pinup done, which just delays other things like requests, misc projects like ref sheets and dakis, and other things a lot of you have asked for and I want to do. So, my idea is to just make this all simpler, both for you guys and myself.

I'm going to add 2 options to the monthly pinup/vote permanently:

Extra Comic Page

Side Project (insert whatever name of current side project)

So there will be 10 characters on the roster. You'll still vote like you normally do, and have the same number of votes. But this time, you'll be able to put votes on these two additional slots instead of the pinup, and, instead of said pinup, I'll do an additional comic page (on top of the 2/month I should be doing), or work on a current side project, which atm is the Nytro daki, that I haven't had time to get back to. Things like dakis, other merch, telegram sticker sets, reference sheets of my OCs, etc.

One vote might look like "5 for Krystal's pinup, 5 for Extra Comic Page"...or "2 for Comic Page, 1 for Side Project", etc.

I've also thought about adding a condition where the winning category can't win more than 1 or 2x in a row.. not sure how y'all feel about it? Would force some variety, prevent the comic or side projects from sagging, etc. If I'm being 100% honest, I am just getting tired of pinups every month. I don't want to eliminate them entirely, and I like your pledges to have some kind of reward in the form of choice, but I do want to make more room for side projects and comic pages in place of pinups at times, but in those months, I don't want it to feel like your pledges lose value.

So let me know what you think of this stuff!

I won't make any final decisions until I hear back from you guys, so comment below with any thoughts or considerations. I'm also not opposed to adding a few more rewards like bonus streams, tier streams, some stuff that doesn't take much extra time but shows my gratitude for your support. 



Song nice, Fluff. To have more diverse content.


I'm in it for the comic, whatever makes more comic makes me happy :)


I think it's a great idea. Keeps things diverse and helps prevent burnout too. Maybe even offer the option to vote on the topic of the side project or next comic?


I would like to see you get more of the character sheets and future comic of yours up and running. So I am all in for comic, or you could do 2-3 months with comic pages and character references then do 1 month of Pinups.

Logan Vaughn_Obsidianwolf117

Alternatively, you could take one if the request streams and make it an additional content stream that can target side project work, comic work or something different entirely. It evens out the request categories to 2 per and gives you liberty to do what you want to push forward on additional content the week you didn't do requests.


I'm cool with whatever as long as there's lewds OwO

Lunatico Ursus

I like the idea of the rule about no two victories in row, otherwise I feel one choice would monopolize the pool.

Antoine Davis

I think this is a pretty good idea. Though if side projects were picked in the second vote, would it vary depending on what the side project is pinup,daki,animation etc? Also, for Comic pages, it would still be 2 a month as always but with the extra vote it could be 4 but can't win more than twice in a row. Also so for votes, there's two basically, one for pinup and the other for Comic page or side projects. But yeah, i think this is pretty interesting and good.

Lupo Mikti

Seems like a good compromise to me, although I'm not currently seeing how votes rolling over will factor into things being fair (could just be I'm too tired to figure it out). And while I also wouldn't want to see the pinups go away, unless it's a character I *really* like I'm not sure I'd ever vote for one again. Would more world building be included in the side projects? I have to admit that's what I'm most interested in, although it's typically in details that don't translate well to visuals haha (languages, planetary systems and the history of their development and how that affected the evolution of climate and life on it, stuff like that).


With the accumulating votes, I'm not sure how the other two options are meant to function, actually. Even with preventing the same thing twice in a row, I feel like the off-pinup months would end up just being lock to alternating between the other two options. Since the pinup can't win a second time in a row, you just pick which is higher between the other two. I'm betting the pinups may remain the most popular thing, so their vote totals will stay way higher than the two new options. That would mean a pinup will almost definitely win the next month, but then is again prevented the month after that. A single month off won't be enough for the alternate option that last won to accumulate much, so the other one will win by default. Basically, I think we may end up being locked into a cycle of pinup > extra comic page > pinup > side project > pinup... and so on. I do agree that if you're getting burned out on the pinups that alternating work would be a good idea, but I don't think this should be locked into the voting structure. I'm very interested in your characters and world, and seeing less rule 34 pinups isn't really a loss to me. I enjoy them, but I would much rather you flourish as a creator instead. You should just alternate between pinup and other work as a rule, and on the off-months work on what you feel like you should. Forcing another comic page out if you're hitting writer's block or something won't make a good page, as an example. Maybe drop the extra two categories and just call it a "Project" month or something. And that just means you work on what *you* want to that month instead of a voted pinup. Potentially, you could have the patrons vote on this as an extra option still, as you're suggesting here. Because the rollover voting interacts with this a little weirdly, I would have the "project" votes be compared to the pinup votes just for that month. If Project gets more votes than the pinups do, you do more personal work that month, then force the pinup for the following month since you just worked on non-pinup stuff two months in a row. Just some spitballing here. I want to see more of your worldbuilding and characters. The pinups are neat and all, but I really would not mind seeing you shift your focus more inward onto your own content over time. The requests are still a good avenue for rule 34 and stuff, but for what you're dedicating most of your effort and time to? I'd rather that be creating your world and stories.

Sakura Wulf

I rarely ever vote anyway. So whatever you wanna do, FK.


I'm fine with whatever you reckon helps you grow artistically. An element of choice and the occasional fan-art of something I like is nice, but to me these are bonuses.


I agree a lot with what Volpethrope said above, the proposed system is a pretty good idea to mix things up and offer you the opportunity to do more than just pinup work while also avoiding burnout, but it might also be a good idea to take some months to just do your own thing rather than having consecutive months of putting it to a vote, I understand the desire to have some kind of "reward" tied to our pledges in the form of something we collectively vote and decide on but I feel getting to see you worldbuild and develop OCs and produce merch like the dakis etc. is also a reward in itself. I strongly believe you should be allowed more leeway to spend time on personal projects, it feels a bit stifling to have to determine things like that with a vote, and I'd love to see you have the opportunity to just let loose every once in a while and see what kind of things you can come up with when there's no set restraints on content


I'm cool with whatever you decide is best for you. You are one of my favorite artists so I'm just along for the ride.


Extra streams could be cool, not allowing same category x months in a row is also cool, so just remove it from voting for that next month so that people don't vote it on accident and that could be great. But yeah i'm honestly here to just support your work whichever form it takes.


I feel like you should just have 4 base options and if pinups or side Projects is picked have an additional vote on what character or specific side project you want to do. Something like 1.Pinup 2.Extra Comic Page 3.Side Project 4.Extra Stream Request Then if say pinups win you go to the 10 Character vote like usual or if Side project wins you make a new vote selection of all the side projects you currently have. This way you can also keep the rolling vote system you already have as pinups wont be able to win 2 times in a row. If you keep it as 10 pinup characters but then just slap on a extra comic and side project choice its just going to add to the Vote bloat that is already there.


The pinups are great, but, in all honesty, I don't think I'll miss them if you don't do one every month. We already get to see some great pinup-y pics from the requests; the monthly pinup is almost like just a higher quality request. Extra comic pages or other side projects would 100% be OK with me, in place of the pinup, now and again.


I guess another option could be instead of doing a pinup, putting up 10 options to vote on from the request list and if you have the time during the month you can try to do as many as possible, any that don't get done go back into the request bucket. Another option for a month where you are quite busy is to just upload a bunch of doodles. These could be old or new but I think there are a few artist out there who would appreciate a glance into the thought process behind the characters/comics

Caspian Yuichiro

Yayyy nytro daki is soon to be worked on again, YIPPEEE


I honestly really love this idea, myself! Sometimes I'm not really into any of the pinup slot characters, so being able to vote for another comic page sounds right up my alley!


I'd totally be game for side projects, especially if those can involve more worldbuilding. Pinups are great and all, but variety is critical to avoid burnout


Maybe you can have one month where you make a pinup, and another when you don't.


I like the idea of diversifying the monthly voting, but this time, unfortunately, I don't have any special thoughts about it. The decision was still prepared for 1.5 years, I think that it is so correct. I can only finally offer to diversify the word "side project", subdividing it a little into categories, but it is up to you to decide which ones ;). I mean, for such a diverse thing as side project, it is desirable to have a little more specifics and therefore you can allocate more cells in the voting for this case))).


Pin-up are great but the comics is more interesting. The possibility to vote for one more comic page is good. But maybe alternate between comics and pin-up could diversified your work. You could be less tired of pin-up and Tala could finally get what she wants.

Skeleton Man

I know you want to reduce the number of alts for a pinup, but maybe there could be an option to go back to previous months and do more alts on them, like instead of a pin up that month you do alts for previous months. (just an idea)


I like the idea of being able to vote on different stuff as well as pin-ups!


I'm definitely in for more worldbuilding-y things if that's the direction this might be going. I care a heck of a lot about your various characters. Your interpretation of others' characters are great, but what I really feel an emotional attachment to are 'Ask ARA'-type things and your other comics.


Your pinups are so good, and are probably your number 1 selling point here, but I can understand if you're getting burned out with them. I think having a side option to vote on is a great idea. Would let you spend a whole month binging on comic pages or the like if we all decided.