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Happy Mother's Day! Both requests on Sunday were mom-stuff; just took a day to finish Angela first, so here's the finished requests! Extra thank-you to the in-stream donations from  Obsidianwolf117 ,  Ichigo-Neko , Skimike, Ahawk95,  TheFriendlyDeathclaw  , Ladiesman727   and TouchFluffyTail! You guys are awesome.

Amali, Kass' wife from BotW, requested by Cylianthe

Kesis x Symat, breeding a new heir, requested by Synergy

Both really fun.. thank you guys! Files for this tier for the month are below:





Kesis best mom

Antoine Davis

They're both awesome, great job!!


I swear, your impregnation pics just get better and better! Both of these turned out gorgeous fluff. And now I kind of want to play Breath of the wild again...




Woaaah holy wow!!


Holy fuck! :D


Good ole royal incest! I do wonder how canonically-dubious this might be, though. With an extremely advanced scifi setting, there'd basically be no reason to actually do this. Hell, with the right tech, Kesis could just have her own genes spliced and recombined to essentially give birth to her own clone. Or maybe their genetic control is so good they can control any inbreeding risks to the point that royal families have gone back to doing this to avoid outside power connections through marriage? It's silly smut, but it does open the door for some neat worldbuilding questions.


Yeeeees, I already loved the Kesis/Symat pic you did before, but now throwing impregnation in on top of it? Holy shit yes~! Love it Fluff!


Kesis x Symat is great. Now all we need Saber x Ayn doing the samething and the family incest is balanced <3


I remember a comment of yours on e621 about having to be careful with incest because there are certain folks who would become obsessed and would be pushing for it all the time, and, uh. Well incest is still really good and holds a special place in my heart. It's real good.


Oh, went with an entirely different pose for the Kesis x Symat picture. Looks good.

Diamondstorm (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-06 12:05:08 So good to see Kesis again, I've missed our surly jackal milf <3
2020-05-14 10:56:52 So good to see Kesis again, I've missed our surly jackal milf <3

So good to see Kesis again, I've missed our surly jackal milf <3