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Bear...girl...fuck, I guess I REALLY actually have to name her now. I'm closest to Melanie or Malorie but, I dunno, something else might click.

Thank you all for voting! There were a lot of new 'strikes' this month, and the vote results were sometimes surprising, I thought Fran would win at first for sure, but in the end she didn't move much. Zofie has a huge number of votes for her first month up there! And Rehzi, the gazelle boy from the comic, taking the other OC slot of mine, too late for anyone to spend votes on him this time, but if you haven't voted yet, you can do so below and I'll count them into next month's, in addition to your next month votes. And if a character is removed, they can always be motioned back in later, and they'll keep their votes that they had so no one's time or donation has gone to waste.

Other news and stuff:

Also, most content has been sent out! There are about 20 declined pledges, and unfortunately a bunch of them are fake bot-accounts, so the pledge total will drop again as I clear them out, but even with those gone, I'm very happy to see that the totals keep going up and more importantly, the people! I'm very grateful for the continued support and hoping the extra and early content keeps you awesome people happy as I push forward!

If your pledge has been declined so far, don't worry, I'm not removing you immediately, specially if you have past pledges with me, or anyone really, proves it's not just a bot account; accounts made via scripts for yiff.party or something that just scrape the feed. I'm also aware of the recent Patreon hack/breach/thing, and while unfortunate, sites get hacked all the time, Adobe, Linkedin, Bank of America.. it's shitty, but I'm not going to just drop using the site, and doesn't change how I will do pledges here, so I hope it doesn't put any of you guys off either. Someone out there is just mad, or bored, or whatever.

Anyway, I do have some ideas on possible future changes to the Patreon, but...I'll ask that in its own post once I have a better idea of what I'm asking, to get your guys' feedback. I think I'll be posting the comic publicly soon, as I near the end, guessing it might be around 22 pages? give or take 2. So.. who knows, maybe it'll bring in new patron folks who then can support and help push the next comic idea, of which I have a lot, and am thinking of ways you guys can help me decide or vote on which of them to tackle. Thank you all!



Kraton Haddock

Lol shoulda known your ONE unnamed one wins. :P I'd have voted something we don't see very often to try and even the odds a bit but with those numbers it wouldn't have helped.


Well that's why they carry over! Might not help in one particular month, but can build up the following ones. I'll still take votes, they will just be added at the start of Nov.

Adleisio Cefnfor



Ha, she's (hopefully) going to get a name! Maybe patrons can provide additional suggestions in case you're not too sure? XD


Yeah, it happens! Bunch of characters only had one person putting them forth. But I added the small rule of: If removed, they'll still retain their votes so if/when they go back up they can continue where started and not wasted.

Adleisio Cefnfor

It is weird that I cannot reply to you normally, but I must have missed that, but that is good to know. I am sure a lot of people are going to start voting on those with higher bids because they want a particular one to win, thus the huge drop from some of the others. Hopefully he will get their eventually.


Well dang! I missed the vote! Two once again for Fran, please! :D


You just reply to the parent comment again, and other people that replied to it will get notified. It's kind of counter-intuitive.


Fran only received a single vote but no strike? How did that work out? :P


Regardless, she would have had my two votes now so that is 3 from this month.