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I actually don't think I have the ability to call it quits on-time. I just kept adding and adding, more and more to this... I love Isabelle though, and obviously a huge amount of Hawaiian inspiration seeped through into this pinup, which, luckily enough is right on-time AND on-theme with the new Animal Crossing coming out next week. And Doom Eternal.

To say I had fun with this would be obvious. It's been a long time since I did a pinup with so many alts/alt pieces, and I don't see myself doing them often, but it was nice to revisit. I saved out a number of combinations, but obviously not -every- possible one. Those can be made with the PSD given to the $10+ tier Patrons.

The background was fun, the shave ice was fun, coming up with her suit, adding the Doom shirt.. to be honest the water colour and her shading gave me the most trouble.

I'm terribly sorry it's taken so long, about an actual month in fact, I really wanted to have this complete before my trip, but since my running theme is quality/better late than never, etc, I hope the effort put forth shines through and has something for a lot of folks. Thank you guys for making this stuff possible!

Link to files, valid for 1 week, afterwards you can find them in the February ZIP, which will be in the feed shortly.




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