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Hey guys! Once more, sorry for the slow pace while on vacation. Trying my best to relax. Been fun so far, but I donÂ’t want to spill vacation nonsense in Patreon feed, so hereÂ’s some of the latest for Isabelle.

I went with Option C from the sketches I posted, and my reasoning was that pose A, while super cute and very Animal-Crossing-esque, it isnÂ’t quite what I had in mind for a pinup, but I did like it and want to finish it maybe in the near future as a medium-quality picture. I liked pose B too, but, as one pointed out.. it was -quite- nearly identical to LiaÂ’s picture/pinup. Now I know sometimes IÂ’ll repeat poses and angles despite my best efforts not to, but when itÂ’s THAT close to being the same picture, I donÂ’t want to proceed with it, not with a full blown pinup anyway.

Pose D was solid, but didnÂ’t strike me as in-character or even reminiscent of the character, and would likely be great as another. Pose E was actually my close second choice, but when it came between E and C, your comments and feedback convinced me C had more potential in a few ways.

Now I know it’s not exact— I changed the hands and used her cute face from B, but with less ‘bedroom eyes’, but honestly those I think will be easy alts, and I’ve separated the inks to allow for easy work on that. The next AC game is deserted island, so I’d like to feature that as the setting and backdrop—a kind of beach scene, laying back in the waters or something that yells ‘tropical’, though it may be the vacation talking.



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