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Next week Tuesday is when I'll do the stream, I'll shoot for 7pm EST. I'll keep changing the day and time to cover most bases, but it's rather difficult to do it between 5am and 3pm EST most days as that's when I sleep. I have a terrible sleep schedule.

Some minor changes to the request stream: added a bonus to 10$ tier: I will do one or two requests for 10$ patrons before doing one or two for 5$ patrons, before doing any, if at all, for public folks. The numbers are just up to how many people are there, how well I'm feeling, etc. but I think it's a pretty fair setup. I may also just draw names from my patreon list directly rather than doing a wheel spin or randomizer in chat, that tends to get really messy.



Hope I can make it! There's sure to be some delicious arts drawn that day. :D


Honestly... I wish you had stuck with your '+ comic pages a month' milestones. :/

Bruce W

Seems like (if you are going to give the Patreon roster a priority, I mean) seems like there should be a way to construct the Randomizer Wheel in advance, saved on your PC, give it a Spin during the actual stream, skip over folks who get chosen but are not present and accounted for (spine the wheel a second time, in such cases). I would think that would eliminate a lot of the 'mess' but retain the excitement.


I could still do it.. but I also don't know if I'd really be able to. I don't think I know any artist that does super HQ pinups, 4 pages per month of comics, tutorials, etc. Or not very many anyway. I'm just not fast enough yet to reach that point. Maybe someday. In the meantime, even if I had kept those milestones, they wouldn't be active yet, and adding this doesn't really interfere with comics; just one day out of the month isn't much of a setback. If I make changes, as usual I'll let everyone know.