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(edit: after some feedback on head size, and just in general me looking back at older Gaz art, I tweaked some stuff around. looks better, I think! that's all for now)

Hey guys--sorry if this all seems like 'filler', but it was an honest burst of inspiration after counting the votes, a LOT of you/votes ended up being cast for Gaz, my musclegut gator whom I rarely ever draw, and is still kinda-sorta in the midst of redesign/reworking... but I won't get there if I don't practice and draw him, so, here's a little treat and as much of a 'thank you' as anyone will get from him.

Rather upload sketches as I do them rather than 'hoarding' for seemingly no reason, so I hope the trickle of sketch stuff is enjoyed. Going to jump on the next comic page later tonight!




I'd watch XD very nice hehe can't wait to see more of the comic


Isn't his head a bit small compared to the rest of his body? Otherwise great pic!

Skeleton Man

more sketches is always good!


His head is a bit small, but I'm super amped to see more Gaz! :D


Gaz huh, I’m down for more of him. I really liked the picture of him and that pretty blue avian girl. I thought his old design was really great if not a tad basic but I’m really into the tribal aesthetic I’m assuming you’re going for here. Don’t know if I’m sold on the head body ratio but solid nonetheless.


I'm always cool with more sketches. :)


Oooh yeah, that’s much better. I see a lot more of old gaz in there along with the changes. Can’t wait so see what else you do with this new design.

Antoine Davis

Cool, also yep he does look better.


i much prefer this newer one to the one u posted earlier today, ( i would have been bad at effectively communicating what i dislike about it.. but this one seem a great improvement on it) i agree the head does seem to be a tad bit small, but it could also be he that is facing directly at us which im sure makes it look smaller.. although even with that it does seem a TAD bit small. although aligators dont eat thier prey phone they do swallow large chunks of at at a time and while he neck seems to fit that.. his head really doesn't . i absolutely LOVethe expression and new LOOK of the face though!!!


Yeah, looks tons better, he's such a hunk! :Q


ooo he looks a lot better, such a hottie