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Everyone who's 5+ pledges processed this month for July received a PM with both content, and a link to a dropbox folder for Predators, instead of me mass-sending out PMs twice a month. Check that folder right now and you'll see page 9! As for any new Patrons, just sit tight and in early Sept. you'll get a link to all the pages so far as well. (link will change each month).

I've decided to complete the whole thing before starting to post it publicly, and given we're halfway there already, hey, probably will happen before the end of the year. I also wonder if people are interested in buying it in print, but we'll see how that goes. Enjoy!



Bruce W

Given the thousands which attend Anthrocon <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthrocon" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthrocon</a>#Locations.2C_attendances.2C_and_charity_donations_by_year I am sure someone there for 2016 would be interested in purchasing the hardcopy. So the question changes to whether the number who would purchase it make it worth the while to print it up and drag it to the dealer's room.


I actually.. did not.. and I am still giving 5

Justin Wilson

I didn't receive any download links either.


<a href="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/26088016/ex.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/26088016/ex.jpg</a> Checked this message, the one sent out Aug 6th? I tried something new this month, putting the link in the PM sent out, but I think I might just send out the links mid-month manually if it's easily looked over.


Nope, not at all; the comic is still being made, you're just seeing it as it comes. If you're new, you'll get a dropbox link to a folder that holds all the completed pages so far. The link will be in the PM here on Patreon that I send out at the end of each month to people whose pledges processed!


X_X...Whats the PM?, sorry, new here.

fluffkevlar (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-07 11:00:43 良い谷間(おっぱいおっぱい!!)
2015-08-30 03:22:49 Private message, I send it out a few days into each month, you can check it here in the upper right, under messages, it hasnt been out yet though of course, since Sept. isn't there. I'll make posts about it, don't worry!

Private message, I send it out a few days into each month, you can check it here in the upper right, under messages, it hasnt been out yet though of course, since Sept. isn't there. I'll make posts about it, don't worry!