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Surprise! I reworked the vote system to a much easier-to-read, and much more fun game-like board. The number of slots will stay the same, and as characters in each category win, it will open slots. I actually reworked a lot of the rules to hopefully balance things out, check them out below!

But first... ARA again! I was pretty surprised by this; as she won not too long ago, but then again is my most well-known and recognizable character, so I'm not complaining that that's what you guys want to see! However, to make it a little more even for variety's sake, and cause I draw my characters pretty often anyway (for the most part), I've added in a new rule that will put my OCs on 'cooldown' for 6 months, and open up slots for more suggestions of my other OCs (I have more than could fit on here, so they will be pulled down like normal winning characters, difference is that other characters won't go back up.) like Loki, Radoslav, Zofie, etc.

But this month is indeed ARA; I have no complaints, but I am curious as to what kind of pinup you'd like to see, so let me know below:

1. Same as before, an adult/nude in-character pinup, with clean version

2. A more serious in-character shot, such as her working on herself, on a ship, not a pinup but more of a 'story shot'. Still adult/clean version variants as usual.

3. ...or, do a double pinup with Vikna, who came in second. Several ideas for this, from 'pinup' like, or 'story shot' like above. Vikna and ARA go very well together in-character, and this will also put Vikna on cooldown. Could possibly make versions where the other is removable, to make two solo pinups and one double in the same set. Possible..can't promise anything, but an idea.

Patreon Tutorial Votes:

(Everyone gets 1 vote)

A colour tutorial (colour theory, shading, manual FX)


A technical tutorial (tips, composition, perspective, and technical FX)


A character tutorial (anatomy, character design)


Onto the new rules:


How voting works: (NEW, revised, effective September)


-Votes accumulate each month.

-1$ Patreons get one(1) vote to spend on a character. 5$ get two(2), 10$ get three(3).

-Multiple votes can be for one character, or split up between a few.

-You can vote after it ends, but it will be counted next month.

-Fandom and Other OCs will be removed when won...

-...But FK OCs will go on a six(6)-month cooldown, after which they will be vote-able again.

-"Open Slots" can be filled by $5+ Patreons simply suggesting a new one when votes open.

-If a character recieves zero(0) votes in a month, they will lose 2 votes, and recieve a strike (red/white 'X' box).

-Each month they get new votes will remove one(1) strike.

-Three(3) strikes total removes them from the roster, but they can always be suggested again.



Adleisio Cefnfor

I personally like the idea of #3 better for the art piece.


I have no objection to a Vikna/ARA pic! I would love to see that. :D


My vote without a doubt has to go to #3. There can never be enough Vikna/Ara! Also I'm really digging the new user friendly voting board. Keep up the great work F-K! ;)


HUZZAH! ARA IS THE WINNER! Also, #1 from me! Make it all the glorious adult/nude you can!


Definitely #3




3 does sound like the most interesting idea. Gets my vote!


I vote double, in-character.


I vote for #3. However it's played out is up to you, though I like the idea of any scenario that still shows them off. :D Also this new layout is spiffy! I hadn't even realized how high some of these characters were with the little tickmarks from before. And it's much easier to see all of them at once instead of having to scroll down a bunch. I approve of all of this!

Nathan G.

Why would anyone pass on the two-for-one that is number 3? :) That's my vote. Any scenario that shows the character(s) in a sexy manner is fine to me.


#3 puts us closer to Fran smut!!


I am for option #3 for the pin-up and I would like a colour tutorial.


Question regarding character suggestions. Do they have to be anthro/neko? Or could they be human entirely?


Hrm, I'd say they can be human, if they're relatively well known series or a series closely related to what most people here are interested in, if that makes sense. I can always put one up, but I think if the roster gets full and they're not receiving many votes I'll consider removing them. I'll just get to it when time comes for that part.


Honestly if love a pinup of Vikna, she has been one of my most favourite of your characters so I'm going to chose option 2. So I can vote on Vikna later.


I vote 3 as well

Rahirrah Krasker

Well i'd say its time for some In Character shots instead of the always non canon sexy pics of Vikna and Ara ...no ?


Option 3 sounds good.