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The only major change to my Patreon this month is the "Request Stream" milestone goal. I also combined some of the tutorial categories, was running out of ideas for a few of them, or couldn't figure out where to place others. The only other change is minor, to the votes. See the details below.

I'll make a post later regarding the Request Stream specifically, but to summarize in case you guys missed the summary from June: I'm following a few friend's examples in how they do their request streams, keeping it to popular/fandom characters, or my own, or perhaps other artists'. I'll elaborate in another post with details later on, as long as the Patreon total doesn't fall back down or anything. There's also just no way to pick a date and time that will work for -everyone-, so, I will try to change it each month, cycle through the days of the week and such.


How voting works:


-1$ Patreons get 1 vote to spend on a character. 5$ gets 2, 10$ get 3 votes.

-Votes rollover each month.

-Multiple votes can be for one character, or split up between a few.

-Date at the bottom of post indicates when voting closes.

-You can vote after this date, but it will be counted at the next cycle.

-Fandom characters will be removed when won, but my OCs will always be able to vote on.

-'Fandom' and 'Personal' characters are in the same larger 'pinup' category, just different lists. If you have multiple votes, they're for the 'pinup' category as a whole.

-NEW: Every character's vote count will tick down one vote per month. Will help a -little- bit to keep the list and vote counts from getting HUGE, and incentives to keep pushing a character.


Voting polls as they stand so far:

==v==Fandom characters-==v==

[Sally Acorn] (Sonic)


[Fran] (FF12)


[Haku] (Spirited Away)


[Kate] (Father of the Pride)


[Colleen] (Road Rovers)


[M'Ress] (Star Trek Animated Series)


[Zero Suit Fox] (internet, lol)


[Mrs. Brisby] (The Secret of NIMH)








==v==Personal characters-==v==

[Rane](my gryphon fursona)


[Ayn](red-haired jackal)


[Vikna](blue feline)


[ARA](red android feline)


[Nytro](red-haired grey mutt)


[Talia(female Nytro)]


[Chubby Sun-Bear Girl]


[Mihari](personal character of Mihari)


[Alecrast](personal character of Skimike)


[Mik](personal character of Tsampikos)


...Patreon Tutorial Votes -

Everyone gets 1 vote.

A shading tutorial (light and depth methods)


A colour tutorial (colour theory, picking, FX)


A composition tutorial (poses, perspective)


A technical tutorial (tips n tricks, brushes and FX)


A character tutorial (anatomy, character design)


Voting ends on August 5th, 11:59pm EST

Votes after that will carry over into September.




Three votes for Vikna please.


2 for sunbear girl,gonna vote for her every month till she gets picked uwu

Adleisio Cefnfor

So torn between Haku and Guilmon, ffff..... Throw my two vote in for Haku to the pinup. (Need more eastern dragon art) And for the tutorial, composition.


One for Haku, one for Guilmon, and one for the chubby sun bear girl


3 votes for Colleen and 1 vote for technical tutorial.


Three for Vikna and I vote for the composition tutorial


2 for ARA

Bruce W

Mrs Brisby (Secret of NIMH)


2 votes for Ara please!


3x Votes for ARA please!


All of mine to Ara, once more, please!


2 for chubby sunbear girl!!


3 vote Ara. Just a curious question though, what will you do if there is a tie? I personally would love to see both Vikna, and Ara in a pinup. ;3


Not sure I like the idea of ticking votes down. If someone is splitting votes or only has one, that's basically punishing them for not voting for a popular character. If you had this system in place for the last ten months or so, it would have canceled out like half the votes I was putting on Amelia, as I was one of the only people voting for her for a while when I was still on the lowest tier. My one vote was going to her, but each month it would have been wiped off again anyway. If you want to keep the list under control, I would suggest just not accepting new characters to it until some are completed. Give it a cap, basically. Either way, I'll put both of my pinup votes on Mik. My tutorial vote goes to Composition. Edit: on a related topic, could you add the actual number of votes to each character? The visual markers are an okay indicator, but at high vote numbers it gets a little hard to tell where they're actual at.


2 votes for Fran (FF12) and 1 for the Character tutorial


Two votes for Brisby


2 votes for Fran. Almost there...


All my votes on ARA, please. :)


3 votes for Chubby Sun-Bear Girl, and 1 vote for color tutorial!


I'll put 2 of my votes for M'Ress and 1 for Sun Bear again. And I'll vote for for a composition tutorial.


3 votes for Miko from No Game No Life


2 votes for ARA


2 for Technical tutorial and 1 more for Vikna!

Mitch Rapp

Now that the good Captain gone, I'd like to make another suggestion if you'll have it. I'd like to suggest Spyro from Spyro The Dragon, male or R63, whatever seems to catch. If you'll accept it, count my 3 votes for that. If not, give them to Zero Suit Fox. I'll also go again for the technical tutorial as well.


All in for Zero Suit Fox, naturally.


Two on Vikna, please. hehe hehehe >:D


It's not so much to keep the list from getting longer, it's to try and prevent a page full of "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" filling the screen on each and every character. With each and every character "losing" a tick, nothing is actually changing. All positions remain the same, the counter is simply being miniaturised for the sake of space and ease of comprehension.


All the votes for Mihari


Three votes for Rane.

Rahirrah Krasker

2 for Talia ; 1 for Alecrast and 1 for the Techhnical Tutorial thanks Fluff ~♥ ^-^


1 Chubby Sun-Bear Girl


+3 Zero Suit Fox +1 Colour tutorial


2 votes for Fran! Let's do this!


3 votes for Mihari


Fran x2! Ara x1! <3


Three votes for ARA please


two votes for Fran FF12 please. and composition please.


Sally Acorn x2 ARA x1 Thank you


Talia x2 votes please~


Three votes for Ara