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This month's pinup is Florence!

Before everyone goes 'I have no idea who this is or where they're from', trust me, I know. The webcomic is 'Freefall', found here: http://freefall.purrsia.com/ 

It's not the most well-known, but it's cute, quaint, and hey, sometimes minor stuff can be fun to do fanart for. In hindsight I probably would've said it's too niche for me to include, as so few people know what it is, but alas, I can't undo that, and those that voted for her deserve the time and pledge put in.

Florence, from what I gather, is a knowledgable science-y type of girl, but I'll have to look more into it. As for ideas, I am going to keep it 'G' ish, so, barbie-doll kind of nude at best, but maybe I can find a composition that cleverly censors that yet is still enticing, similar to the Mihari laundry pinup from a while back. I'm thinking a zero-G type of shot perhaps, like this strip-


But as always, i want to hear your ideas! If you failed to vote in the pinup, you can do so in this thread, and I'll add it to the roster before next month.

More characters will be added/changed once this list gets to 10, it will then be time to switch to a better, quicker, easier/aka improved vote system, which I still need to iron out the details with y'all sometime. 




I'd be fine with pretty much anything so long as we get to see her yellow "dress" again.


What if the gravity generator was suddenly turned off while she was in her cabin changing clothes?


Hooray! I've been voting for Florence for over a year now :p


Same lol, on and off but I've been reading Freefall for years now and have been wanting to see her in FK's style for some time. Glad it's finally happening!


Florence is an engineer on spaceship, a genetically-engineered wolf AI, and in a relationship with a human on a colony planet. She also tends to lose her clothing frequently, albeit in quite innocent situations, so a 'Mature' rating would be quite acceptable..., in fact, I'd venture that a nude from you is what most of the voters were hoping for!


I imagine it would be very inconvenient for all those censor bars to suddenly float out of position.


Florence is a genetically engineered wolf, made to be a sort of biological AI. With all the ethical questions that brings up!<br>She's an engineer by trade, a guide for her alien (Sqid) employer Sam, and a hero to all robots. And like Delisle said, she frequently loses her clothes - she infiltrated a polar base in PJs.<br>Tom has read Freefall and has drawn some fanart of her. I'll throw this idea out there: someone turns off the gravity while she is showering with her favorite ducky http://freefall.purrsia.com/ff1800/fc01737.htm


2 for Angela Cross


2 empress


Florence will be neat to see you draw. Since her form is actually very dog like. She doesn't have breasts, but teats. Her chest shape isn't quite standard. She doesn't weigh too much more than a wolf. She really only has 4 fingers total counting her thumbs, and so on.


No gravity generators in her setting.


2 katt