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Here it is! Indi and Digo, from the webcomic DreamKeepers, in their double pinup.

If you're like me and have never read the comic (sorry!), and have no idea who these two are, I was linked these two snippets to view, and found them pretty well summarized:



Briefly, these two twins have the unique ability to swap fur and hair colour/pattern at will, and are the inverse of each other. While I didn't opt for very complex alts, I decided to go with a much more "in-character" set of alts, with alternate fur-patterns from various parts of the comic. I tried to reference as closely as I could, though there may be some deviation from their original form.

I -would- like to make some skimpy/simple-ish stripper clothing (as they are strip-dancers), for some censored alts, but I'm going to hold off on it for now, as I'd really like to do another comic page of Predators before the end of the month, so that's first priority for me. I know some people like the "lots of alts" on my pinups, but I can't see myself doing that forever, as it takes time and I'd rather be making new, separate content. Still, I'll try to have the clothing versions in the September ZIP.

I hope you all can enjoy these two!

HD files link valid for 10 days below, after that, files in the ZIP folder





Excellent job Fluff, they're gorgeous!

Antoine Davis

These look beautiful and fantastic, amazing job!


Looks great Fluff! Thanks for the reference comics too, very helpful. Would definitely love to see clothing alts but yeah if you wanna push out other content then take your time; as I say all the time, you already do a lot for us, so don't push yourself too hard!

Cult of Dust

Excellent pose, does their very limber characters justice


Amazing work! I just love how the lighting, pose and perspective compliment each other so perfectly


Awesome work Fluff, they look amazing.


Wow, I find these two very interesting. I have a weird fascination with color, ever since I was a kid, and to see that concept explored here really tickles my fancy. Not to mention these gals are super cute and sexy. Really like this one fluff, great job!

Zrath Smiley

Oooooooh, the colors...


Wow, these came out really well!


Fantastic piece! You really captured the characters well, love the alts too. Though if you have time in september, what do you think of also doing a cum version please?


Amazing work dude!


The only alts I'd care to see would be fluidless and lingerie - the first to tone it down slightly and the second so I can actually use it as phone wallpaper! ;D As long as the pinups that don't have blatant sexual content have censored versions for easier display purposes, I'm more than happy sacrificing the alt gallery for more comic and worldbuilding. Like, Ayn's second pinup with its fucking artillery barrage of options was fun, but you should honestly never do that again lol. It's just SO much more time and work. Smaller, more focused gimmicks/themes are fine, but a lot of the time, don't feel about only doing nude/clothed versions, man. Doing more than that should be reserved for specific things that make sense for the character/scene or whatever. Not just cramming as many options into it as possible. You could force disembodied dicks/toys/tentacles into almost any of your pinups, but what does that really contribute? ;P I'm super glad you went with alternate colors, too. It's their power, but no one ever really depicts them using it. You really did them justice here and nailed all their details right. I've caught a few fan commissions of them that messed up their pattern inversions a little, but it looks like you got that down perfectly. I had hoped you'd go with my suggestion for coming up with one yourself, or making it a reference to one of your characters, but that was for fun and I'm still more than happy with how this turned out. <3


Holy hell they look stunning! Amazing work Fluff


They are gorgeous! Love how well they fill the space of the picture, with their bodies twisting around each other! "chief's kiss" That said, I'd love a SFW clothing alt, if it's not too much trouble.


Wait..you had these two on your list for HOW long and never read up on them? XD ..Woops! Looks fantastic though.

Skeleton Man

I do love alts, but this alts are a whole diferent level, its almost like doing the whole pinup again!. I think the reasonable alts and what could allow to have plenty of them is small alterations, some cum here, some wetness there, maybe a dildo, maybe some dialog. I think that those kind of alts bring more value to the pinup and they should be simple to do. Anyway, awesome work on this pinup, turned out beautiful!


Everything I was hoping for and more with these characters


I like your alts on your pinups, especially your clothed ones because I think you are one of the best in case of drawing clothes, especially if they are skin tight fitting :-3. But dont overdo it if you are not comfortable with it.