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Thanks again for a good stream Sunday! EXTRA big thank you to HakanaiSeishin, Ahawk95, Somebody, and TheFriendlyDeathclaw for the in-stream donations! You guys are awesome. It is really appreciated! This week's requests were:

Zofie, masturbating with a canine/knotted toy, requested by HuskyDog

Kathrin from TwoKinds, something sexy, requested by both TJ and WhatIsAFurry

Link to tier files for this month's requests will be below, updated as finished, link valid til early next month:





Aww they’re both so cuute!💖


They both look awesome, I love how the Kathrin pic came out.

Zrath Smiley

Zofie is so sweet.


Love that implication of Zofie practicing for Nytro while she was still crushing on him, before they actually started fooling around. Just the right blend of lewd and wholesome. You can really tell how urgent she was to get herself off, wit the loose hair and panties still clinging to her ankle. Like she couldn't quite finish undressing all the way before sliding her friend-substitute in. I love seeing moments like this that actually feel like they're snippets of real events plucked out of your world. Not a random contextless pinup shot, but a brief look into a character's timeline, with hints to their motivation for what they're doing or relationships at that time. It's more grounded, and because of that, easier to imagine actually happening. Sorry for waxing a little poetic here, but something this adorable-sexy deserves the essay. ;P And Kathrin once again looks great in your style! Still slightly jarring to see you do a TK character with actual mature details, but it looks *right* with your detail level. Tom can get away with the barbie-nude easier because his style is a little cartoonier, but it never quite felt right to me with yours. Too much more anatomically realistic, so it just seemed like they were missing parts, hehe. I love that it still feels tasteful and in-character, though. Very glad you didn't just dive off the deep end into weird fetish stuff like some others have. Kat walks around nude and is pretty open about sexuality, so this feels completely natural for her. Excellent work! :D


Aw, little zophie's pining after Nytro. A nice double dose of cute here, I love it! I like the fur tufts you added on Kathryn where her nipples should be. Makes it look more like her bits are just covered by her fur instead of just not being there.


I cant stress how much I'd love to see a nytro/zofie comic someday. This is just so perfect


My gosh Zofie is so cute! Please consider making a Daki for her someday. I'll throw all the moneys at you!


Zofie is such a precious pupper!


Zofie needs to feed her need. Some one help her out smh


Zofie and Kat are so cute!