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Admittedly, I had a hard time sketching up this one. I kept trying for a pose unlike one previously done, and it's getting difficult. I'm pretty happy with it though! It does need some suggestions; alts atm I think will be clothes/vest, some kind of bottom maybe, and SFW/barbie-doll alt ish? But not sure what else. Knothole village tree stump entrance/forest background.



Cult of Dust

"Knothole village" is just begging for jokes


Looking great! Loving the alt ideas, particularly the SFW one. As for bottoms, they did give her some for her post-reboot design (https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/sonic/images/3/34/Sally_Post_WWC_V2.png)

Skeleton Man

how about some cum alts? or some wet alts?


How about a alt version of sally fingering herself. And maybe holding breast at same time.


The problem you're running into with posing is that there are only so many sexy poses the human body can assume. Perhaps in the future it might be better to not worry about the pose as much and instead try to find uniqueness in the scene composition/"cinematography" or through the use of more narrative ensemble pieces.


I'm always down for anything involving cum. Cum dripping down her thighs, maybe shes covered in the stuff, anything really. lol


I'm with Eric: this, like most of your pose choices, is perfect! 👌 Work originality into the setting.


My favorite sonic TV series had the rebels hiding in a forest. Have her leaning against a tree waiting to meet up w/Sonic. Dark browns and greens could contrast well with her blue vest and slightly reddish fur.


Damn it Fluff, you know my feelings on sonic, but since she's drawn like a sonic character in anyway it's pretty good.

Stoker Bramwell

Well if you're looking for clothes to put her in there IS the reboot version where they gave her a top and shorts. Could easily do topless/bottomless variants with that in addition to the barbie. I also second the cum version as a fun idea. Maybe something high tech and buzzing inside her too? There are lots of possibilities...


Hellooooooo Sally!


Hmmm, nooot sure I could make those without redoing the arms, but, I like the idea I'll try to keep it in mind


Yeah that's kind of what I'd been thinking with the 'idea' votes rather than 'character', but I suppose nothing's stopping me from doing such things here. I'll try doing that, maybe thumbnail the whole scene with the pose as a result of it.


Sketch looks great! And I like the idea of a Barbie-ish alt, where she's nude but without any naughty bits.