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I'm apparently bad at listening to myself when I say 'this pinup will be simpler/easier/etc!' I am, however, pretty happy with the results, and I did have fun with it, so... I hope you all enjoy it too!

I did a suit/outfit-combo, not her full outfit, but parts of it, as some of the others are lying around her. The idea was that she's getting ready to relax in this springs pool on some pleasant planet. Still sci-fi, less typical 'cockpit scenario'. I saved out 9 alts for the 5$+ tiers, and additional combinations can be assembled using the PSD file in the 10$+ tiers.

I had a second go at her feet to try and improve my plantigrade-furry paws. Originally I kept it this way because canonically they have plantigrade, but in hindsight, maybe I could've kept the animalistic toes instead of 5-toed like humans...ah well. Little late for that. Practice makes perfect I suppose. I get this style of paws might not be for everyone, even everyone who likes feet-stuff. Again, in hindsight I should've switched it up as it's very similar to Bailey's pinup a while back, too. I'm only human (regrettably). I'll just have to get better for later. Otherwise, I tried to incorporate as many of the suggestions from you all as I could.

Attached is WEB-res versions of some alts.




Ben waiting for this for so long since she was on the voting list. And boy am i glad that waiting paid off. Love the art alot!