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April's pinup is here! I don't like being late but I'd rather it be worthwhile. Sorry about all the mess that came with this one. 

She was a ton of fun, and I tried inking with a rougher brush. I left most of her outfit as part of the 'default' image. I think I much enjoy the shift towards pinups with more of the 'default' character intact, and variations only being for M or X-rated portions where needed. I suppose purely SFW or purely NSFW are fine too, depending. But I like to make the most of the high-effort, high-time-sink pieces like these.

A neat character that I think got a cult status in the fandom, along with 'skaven-esque' rat girls is certainly a topic I'd be happy to revisit sometime, but for now I'll try to be proud of this one, and think of what I could do differently for the future.

I've still got to put the April files together. Those will be posted soon.

And for May, I am going to try request streams on Fridays. So later today(the 3rd, 8pm EST) will be the first one. 




Fantastic rendition of the character. Might see if I can edit a wider version for myself so I can get this printed on a playmat (sfw of course). Also, love the humie alt.


Rat's off to ya!

Melon Frost

The rear wood pieces under her tail remind me of a ladder to climb up haha