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Full image: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/26088016/Patreon/Web-res%20posts/sahara_hipsThngWEB.jpg

I'll throw the nude, and HD of both into the sketches ZIP for this month. So look forward to that!

'Nother colour sketch of this gal, Sahara. Made her a while ago for Skimike, and with his help on my computer, draw for him fairly often. Thankfully he likes seeing Sahara as much as I like drawing her!

This was originally just a no-character thumbnail. Tried fitting it to a few characters (some may notice it as Lola on that recent 3-sketch image) but to be honest I just didn't like it as it was, and found it more fitting to this version.




She does have a most delightful pair of hips! Has she been drawn with Mihari in the past? If not, she should be. :D


Just as cute as she is freaking hot, I love your take on that one :3

Kraton Haddock

small/reasonably-sized breasts ftw. :3