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This week's requests were male Ninetails, requested by F'Yacin, and Warning-bukkake, requested by Relntless80. Thank you for the in-stream support from ZRO4825, Dookaworld, Somebody_THB, and Ahawk95! Thank you guys! Sorry if I missed it in-stream!

The male Ninetails was a lot of fun. Currently it's just a generic model, but I'd like to do some tweaks and possibly keep a version of him as another minor poke-OC. The Warning sketch was interesting, and a bit of a challenge. A lot of people joked about introducing her to Loki, but that's not outside of the realm of possibility. In the future canon, Loki deals with Radoslav, and the Apex AI certainly will bump into him. Plus it's comically huge size-difference and might make for some fun pictures.

Link to this month's request stream pics below, valid until early May, images added each week as completed. Pics after that can be found in April ZIP.





Wow. It turned out amazing. Thank you fluff and everybody who voted for my request.


Those are some stunning pieces right there~<3


Very nice.. :P


Oh hey warning finally got her spotlight


Lovely pieces of work like always. Warning sure happens to be my favorite~


Fluff man, stop doing this to me. You need to calm down with all this amazing art!


Aaah! I'm so glad you drew ninetails ^-^ I unfortunately had to leave the stream and missed it live, so seeing him in my inbox was a huge surprise :) He looks great

The Friendly Deathclaw

Im glad Warning got her lovely Buukaake Reward. Awesome Work Fluff. <3