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Here's the finalized version(s) of the pinup for Natani, the split-soul assassin keidran from Tom Fischbach's webcomic TwoKinds.

A lot more mental work went into this than the previous TK pinups--Tom's fairly laid-back, so asking him for ideas and stuff kind of goes nowhere. He said interpretations of certain design elements are fun to see, so I had some minor artistic license with a few things (vest, inner ear colour). Otherwise Natani is fairly simply designed. No messy markings and no complicated accessories really, though I did include a necklace Tom drew from a request sketch of Nat and Keith a while back.

I think it came out alright; I put the character first in regards to pose and concept rather than outright porn, and a bit more in-the-moment lends itself to less alts, which was planned anyway, and in this case, a gesture-colour-mood inspired background as opposed to raw pinup or landscape detail. I imagine it takes place amidst practice, training, or perhaps a demonstration.

Either way, I hope y'all like this one. Thank you for voting and supporting! Next month is just around the corner, but I'm gonna try and get a Predators 2 page in beforehand.




Oh my god...you rocked this so hard you couldn't possibly have rocked it any more.


I love your action poses. They're so dynamic and you capture the motion really well.

Shadow Scale Cosplay

Was wondering where I recognised her from. Haven’t read that comic in 10 years