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So I read every one of the comments and weighed a lot of options. Short version: A lot of people really like the current system and don't see much reason to change. The biggest issues would actually be solved simply by shrinking the roster. Less characters on it would leave less time for the massive buildup of votes, and thus lower those huge gaps and whatnot.

So that's all that's going to change in that regard. I do have two other aspects of vote, or rather pinup itself:

For a few reasons, I want to step back on the alts/versions/variations. For one, I think it makes a better picture overall if I can focus on a primary version/mood, and leave more time for comic stuff. I love pinups, and am not going to stop, but I am going to ease off the idea of entire outfits/characters/large quantities of alts. Some, like simple censors/panties/bits/cum or slightly changeable expressions might be fine, but trust me when I say these alts, when on pinup-level quality, are really time consuming, and I feel that time is much better spent towards, say, comics or other drawings entirely. If I could do 2 pages/month consistently, with the possibility of 3 some months, that'd be great. I don't feel rewarded much for the alts. While fun, there's diminishing returns on them, and often alts are easier/better for sketches/requests as opposed to the big painted things.

The other thing is the theme of a pinup. Partly "option 2" on the previous post, about assigning a theme, partly what goes on now, with just "throw ideas at me". I'd like for there to be some kind of post-vote voting. I think after the winner is chosen, I'll have the 'results' post be a poll over a few ideas, either mulled over myself, or doing some quick research into the character, and give the options of like "do a pinup-style pic" or "do an adult, hardcore pic", "action-like", "stylized", e.t.c.

So at the moment, those are the only changes I have in mind: Lower the roster count over time, (will still take a bit), tone down the alts, and post-poll a theme or general idea from you all.

A lot of people like the vote rollover, as do I. A lot of people like more time for comics, as do I. I think this is a good 'tweak' to the process without removing it of course, or changing too much about the format.

What'cha all think? Sound good? Not too crazy or complicated, right? If i'm missing anything let me know! Or have any other additional ideas~



What if we just had Fluff decide each month? We could just have a dictatorship. Vladimir Fluffin


Sounds good to me Fluff, happy belated birthday by the way, hope you and rei had a great holiday and a happy 2019

Antoine Davis

These ideas sound pretty good, also no these ideas don't sound crazy or complicated. Also that i understand what you mean about the alts, they are cool but i see what you mean about how some can be time consuming. But yeah, this is a pretty good idea for the pinups and votes.


That sounds fine by me. You should never have felt obligated to come up with tons of alts and options. In the future, feel free to if you have ideas you really like or you *want* to indulge a given pinup a bit more, but never feel like you have to. Honestly, for the most part I've been totally fine with just the nude/clothed ones you've done, since it easily allows for using them as wallpapers or showing off in places where the nudity/porn wouldn't be appreciated. This is especially important for when you eventually start work on your "main" comic, since you'll probably want to advance those stories faster than a scene or two per year. ;P But yeah, once the roster is smaller, vote numbers will calm down since we won't have a dozen characters trickling upwards together into the multi-hundreds. It'll cycle much faster, so the winners won't be getting to these ridiculous numbers before actually winning. Granted, the existing ones have a little lead, but that will normalize over time. Once the roster is trimmed down, I also hope you approach adding new ones in a more organic way as I've suggested before. Like if you have an OC or other character you want to throw up in the free spot, go for it! If you have nothing in mind or can't decide between a few, take suggestions and then do an instant-runoff vote to gauge interest. No need to speculate and wonder if the patrons might like it then.


You already do so much for us Fluff, if you need to cut back on alts for the pinup, that's totally fine. After all, you don't JUST do monthly pinups, you also do weekly request streams (that also usually have alts!), a lengthy comic, ask ARA, and sometimes just random art, on top of things like conventions and merch. When you take everything in totality, it sounds like a much better idea to cut back on the pinup alts and go with a more general, voted-on theme. There's no reason to run you ragged making tons of alts for everyone. Also slightly belated Merry Christmas, and hope you have a fun new year!


I think that it is a great middle ground. It should solve the major issues, and be easy enough to do. I especially think that the cutting back of the alts is a good idea. Recently there have been HUGE amounts of alts, and some are in great detail. Even though it's great having them, I think it's fine to cut back on them to give you more time for other things.

Kyoshyu Ryako

I, for one, don't see any need for alts.


Sounds good to me. Slice the lower half of the roster off and, as ones in the top half get removed, add one back from the lower half. Looking back I feel like some of the pinups with a lot of different versions have been some of the more "generic" ones, and those with less alternates were some of the most interesting and expressive. So I look forward to this because it will allow for more choice in pose that usually doesn't allow for a lot of alts but makes for a great pic.


Originally I hadn't had any issues with the voting system, I was just not a big fan of the latest winner, but I understand where you're coming from and I hope this alleviates some stress from you.


Looks good! I do like the way you managed to improve the voting system, without changing it too much. The reduction of characters does seem like an effective way to deal with the point buildup, and the theme idea gives people a chance to vote on what theme they'd prefer on the pinup, which is a nice added bonus!


Yeah I understand not everyone will be fans of the winners, hence also why such a huge amount of time dedicated to one pic/thing isn't as worth it to me as I once thought, and would rather fit in more comic, OC, request art and such.

Sonny Starbrite

Happy New Year Fluff! Sounds like good plans coming for the new year. Keeping the voting system in tact while reducing the number of contestants is a great idea. This should help characters to win within roughly a year. Understandable on cutting back on alts/versions/variations, should help reduce your stress. I really only cared about the one SFW pic and the fully nude pic anyway. I'm really hoping you'll still at least consider maybe releasing one NSFW(nude) pic & one SFW(clothed) pic quality HD for the monthly winner. As much as the NSFW are nice, I can't use those as wallpapers on my home or work PCs. I do get great compliments on your art whenever the family or clients see your SFW art on my monitor screen. And believe me, every one of your SFW pics(no matter how skimpy the cloth) are in my Windows wallpaper rotation. I know I'm probably in the minority for those of us who like your SFW stuff, but I love that you do a SFW reward picture along with the majority of all the NSFW stuff you post. Thanks for considering those of us with "family". A post-poll theme or general idea sounds great. Hope it's selecting theme/general idea pose of the pic for both the NSFW & SFW pic and not determining whether it's NSFW or SFW. I'm certain the majority NSFW will always win, you will never see the minority SFW votes win. But I know everyone must draw NSFW stuff, it's just hard to find a great artist who will do SFW too. Sex sales, it's what pays the bills & keeps Patreons coming back for more. But seriously, who doesn't like a sexy posed SFW drawing, leaving the great imagination for the viewer to think about, "I wonder what's hiding under that cloth/nylon/lyrca/spandex wearing sexy posing character" without getting into trouble with the family or the bossman. 8-)