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Jenna! This month's pinup, my original first furry crush. It's been fun, I kind of went off-rails a bit and did a not-pinup dick-licking doodle there... anyway, I really wanted a back-shot, especially because I plan to do a sled harness version. I'm not going to go crazy with the alts on this, sled harness, her bandana, maybe a few other ideas..? But something wintry and well, Alaskan.

Of the two main big body poses up there, I'm really leaning towards the left, as the right, while fun and interesting, somehow feels a bit OOC for her as she's more of a calm, sultry type over the prancing-in-the-snow type. I just wanted to try some different doodles. I know the left pose is kind of similar to ones in the past, but I don't think I did it EXACTLY.. if I have, let me know, maybe I can try something else. I don't like to repeat my poses 100%. if it's 80% similar then maybe.. otherwise, idk!




Oh I'm please with these

Antoine Davis

These all look awesome, can't wait till the finish pinup. Also if you mean the top pose on the left, then that one is fine. Though the pose on the bottom left looks a bit similar to a pose Ayn did. But still, they all look great.


I can do both, but one alt I think might be nice is a (sexy?) Eskimo outfit? Since you wanted Alaska... there are few things I can think of where when I see it I immediately think Alaska... Eskimos is one.


I’m looking forward to the HD pin-up!!


I feel like these pose are very similar to some sketches you've done before IDK. Maybe like a top down lying down shot with feet at the top head at the bottom might look good especially if you want to include bondage.

Kelanich Santovedis

Go full on bondage. With blindfold and ballgag harness.


I think the top left pose is the best, although I would love to see her in the bottom left pose. Maybe I will request it at some point.

Canis Lupis Rex

Any chance for her to gaze from her while slightly curled on a pillow or someone? Presenting her rear of course :)


Yeah they're not anything particularly new, so to speak, but I'm in the mood where I don't feel like everything has to be, I'm fine with doing something comfortable and familiar, just, without using the exact pose twice. I don't know bout feet at top head at bottom though.. looks weird in my head. I don't plan on including bondage, just the sled harness I think.

Deerio Jim

I am noticing a possible focus on paws. I like that path here haha. And for the poses, I think the right one is the most interesting of these, Its got the most movement by far with the kicking up snow and the like. though her left leg looks a bit to straight and locked in to counteract the little kick? Confound your good sketches they drive me to actually try and critique and think about how art works and get involved in artistic stuff


Definitely like the top-left the best.


im really loving that bottom left one

Patrick Bradley

Great stuff man I'm gonna sound wierd but there is something about canines with thier tongue out that I really love xD


Top left yesssss


I admit that I've never seen Balto, but I'm actually glad she won, not only is it fitting for her to be the pinup in December, but it's nice to see you get excited and geek out about a character you love so much Fluff!


Either of these would be awesome, but I agree with you on the top one. It more calm and relaxed, and better fits her character. If you doodle up anything else, I would 100% lean in that direction. (I too am also super excited to see you draw Jenna! Definitely an early crush for me as well!)


Top left is nice. I also like the bottum left


Well I’m more fond of the right, but I also don’t remember the character. That said uh, that dick-licking doodle is excellent P:


Top left and top right are nice. While we are talking about harness, what about some toys as alts?

Xionos Aeon

Well if you remember Jenna did play with her human in a few parts of the first movie before and during the onset of her sickness. Prancing and jumping in the snow.


Top left for sure! Wow!


I would definitely prefer the top left, with some kinky alternates


Jenna needs some hair. =. And her scarf around her neck.


I'm not disagreeing with your logic, but the right one looks more appealing to me.


I agree the one on the top left is the one to go with, although my fav is definitely the dick licking one lol


You should make another alt where her body parts are labeled. *ahem* snugglebouncers.

Satanic Cabal

I'm digging the top left and the right one.


YES to all these shes so bloody cute!


Loving that top-left pose.


Oh my... O_O these are both so sexy! I kinda see your point though, left would fit her better. More casual and relaxed than trying to show off. It's heartwarming to know you love the Balto movie so much ^_^ what did you think of the sequels?


A suggestion with the bandana is a collard red shirt that is tied off at the nips.


I really like the pose on the right, because I reeaaally like the way you handle legs. Perhaps not prancing in the snow but, maybe a callback of sorts to the Vikna pinup from a couple Decembers back, lying outstretched before a fire..? Iunno.


Top left definitely fits her personality. One of the first movies I ever liked was Balto and to this day it is. Jenna has always been among my most favorite character. When I got exposed to this furry world she was the first I looked up. Anyways you get the picture haha. She was playful around her owner but anyone who interacts with kids that age have to be playful to keep them that happy. Around Balto she is calm and at times sultry.


I love the top left pose for sure. Unless you have plans for Jenna to be on all fours wiggling her butt yo viewers with alternate of her with a harness or an another character made anthro like Balto breeding her while she's wearing her bandanna or harness.